Community Connection: Ovarian Cancer Canada is looking for volunteers! Could you help?

OVdialogue – consider joining our team in the role of Community Champion. Over a few hours each week, you would be part of a team that helps connect people, support conversations and are thought leaders for OVdialogue. This is your opportunity to give back to those who have/continue to support you through the tough times, share your unique experiences, and help celebrate successes. For more details of what this entails, please reach out to @Mfallis (
Ovarian Cancer Canada is thrilled to share that we have some exciting updates on the way for OVdialogue. These enhancements are designed to strengthen our community and make your experience even better.

Stay tuned for more details, and feel free to share your thoughts below. Let’s make this community even stronger!




  • @Fearless , you are right that all this time laying around offers a generous opportunity for reflection. When I compare who I was pre ovc to who I will be, I imagine I will be less tolerant and less patient, as in , life is short so I have even less time now for nonsense and BS.
  • @BeamBlossom the definition of brave is facing pain or danger...whether or not at choice.  And even if you were shaking in your boots every persevered and came out the other end. Anywhere along the journey you could have said, screw this, I give up. We've all been tempted.  But that's brave to me.
  • I'm starting to fade so going to say good bye for today.  Interesting we had Ontario covered...cbot in the west, beamblossom central, me in the east. Wonder what's going on in the rest of Canada LOL.  In any event, I am fading.  Body is re-adjusting to the trial med which was expected so I need to give in and nap for a bit.

    Thanks for joining today ladies. Wishing you and anyone else who might want to check in on today's discussion and wonderful week ahead.  
  • Thanks @Fearless and @BeamBlossom. Our discussion today was very philosophical!
  • I will be signing off now too. @BeamBlossom, I appreciated your comment about our ovc diagnosis making us less tolerant of the more ridiculous things that happen in life. Life is indeed precious, and I will have no time for nonsense!
  • Thanks Cbot, have a good week. Hope you are feeling better soon, your current worries and discouragement will pass. 
  • I have been wanting to join this chat but have not been able to yet!  I have read through all the posts.  Today was chemo #5 and I had all the "back to work" questions ready for Dr. appt. yesterday!  Reading this thread tonight has really helped on that subject!  Thank you ladies!!
  • You’re welcome Katie666. Sounds like you and I and Tinazzie and Cbot we have all finished chemo within a few weeks of each other and have similar questions. I hope you are able to join us next Thursday.
  • @kattie666 Wonderful you've found these discussions helpful.  Remember you don't have to join us at the appointed hour to participate. You're welcome to pop in and pop out as is convenient for you. But great that you make use of the discussion thread after the fact.  Looking forward to having you join us one of these days....perhaps you can share any insights into your "back to work" discussion with your doctor given it's  a hot topic with several of our gals right now.   
  • Hi everyone - sorry I missed you on Tuesday ... and I'm late in today
    @Fearless - sorry you had to go through that surgery business - hope you are doing well today.
    @angel27 and @BeamBlossom @cbot .. check out the website so much very good information and assistance here - and yes, it is so different for everyone... your medical team can support you along the way with this as well... I found it so helpful to advocate. 
  • @Flowergirl Doctor is fine with a probable return in January.  Grocery store meat dept. are too much around Thanksgiving and Christmas added to the renewed higher threat of Covid.  A few months will help revive my blood counts and hopefully my kidney numbers too.  One day at a time but I was feeling stressed over the thought of it.  I will definitely check out the link!  Thank you!
  • Thank you for the link, @Flowergirl, and I hope you're feeling better soon....
    Hope you are able to join us on our next chat @kattie666.
  • Thursday, September 24 and I'm feeling very refreshed today.  A relaxed and romantic evening last night celebrating Wayne's 69th.  Candles, Lobster Thermidor, a wonderful pairing of Lacey 2019 Mon Ami bubbly and not a single thought or word about this disease.  Today ruminating on how important it is to be able to separate from the physical challenges we face and just bask in those moments of normalcy. 

    Welcome to today's are you?  
  • Hi @Tinazzie happy to have you with us (haha, right now me) today.  
  • Hello @Fearless!  Your romantic evening sounds wonderful - so glad you had a lovely evening!  
  • Yes @Tinazzie I realized last night we don't do that enough these days.  I've vowed to myself to be more conscious of that moving forward.  Do you find time for yourself...just doing things that have nothing to do with this disease?
  • Yes, it is important to grab those days/moments of normalcy as you say, and put the physical pressures in the back seat.  I must admit that I find it very hard to do sometimes.  I noticed in reading last week's conversation, that there was a similar discussion. 
  • @Tinazzie it's been an ongoing topic.  We all get so consumed between physical issues, anxiety and constant reminders it's hard to separate from it.  I think we're all looking for ways to be able to just step back from it. Wish there was a magic formula to do that. 
  • Hi @BeamBlossom Good to see you on line again today. What's new?  Anything to share or discuss?
  • Hi Everyone!
    Brilliant Fearless! Start celebrating half birthdays too! 
  • I'm just starting to try and piece together some normal activities now that the surgeries and chemo are over.  It seems like I was just preparing and getting over one thing or another for the last 8 months.

    How are you feeling now, @Fearless....better than last week?
  • BTW, being interviewed on camera by our local Global station after this.  We put out organic veggies every year for donations to OVC and the little cart we use on the roadside, along with the donation box was taken the other night.  Third year in a row....first year the donation box was emptied several times (honor system only works if people are honorable), last year the stand was knocked into the ditch and demolished, and now this. So posted on our local community FB site in case anyone had seen anything and can't believe the outpouring of support.  We have people offering to build us a new one...have a had a few direct donations to my page on the Walk of Hope.  Anyway, actually put on some makeup today.....
  • Hi Tinazzie! 
  • @Tinazzie thanks for asking. Finally starting to feel physically better. Still some tenderness on one side and the adjustment to being back on the Olaparib is getting better.  Seeing the surgeon for my 4 week on the 6th so I'll get to see the pictures they took of my "innards" LOL. 
  • I wanted to ask you Fearless about adhesions. Do you think we all have them and what exactly does pain from adhesions feel like? 
  • I spiked a fever on Saturday night 101.5, also had extreme fatigue, headache and a little shortness of breath. So, got a Covid test on Tuesday, waiting for results. Feeling much better now.
  • @BeamBlossom from what I've now read on the subject, adhesions are a very normal outcome of any surgery. The size and extent is individual though. I have a propensity to produce scar tissue anyway so that's probably been a factor in how much they found.  For me, assuming this is related to the adhesions, when I twist my body or bend I will get a searing pain, almost as if something is tearing or ripping.  Xrays and CTs have showed nothing so the only thing that makes any sense is that I'm straining an adhesion.  One of the questions I"ll be asking my surgeon on the 6th for sure.
  • The donations stolen, really??  That's too bad!  But so touching to hear how  the community stepped up!  Good for you for bringing attention to it.  Would love to see your interview too.  Was going to ask you how your Walk of Hope went this year (virtually as opposed to the group).  
  • @BeamBlossom keeping my fingers crossed it's not Covid. Do let us know when you get the results. A good friend in Toronto (not an OVC patient/survivor) had something similar. Test was negative and her doctor figures it was an early case of the flu.That was a week ago and she says she just rode it out with some tylenol, fluids and rest and she's fine now.