Community Connection: Ovarian Cancer Canada is looking for volunteers! Could you help?

OVdialogue – consider joining our team in the role of Community Champion. Over a few hours each week, you would be part of a team that helps connect people, support conversations and are thought leaders for OVdialogue. This is your opportunity to give back to those who have/continue to support you through the tough times, share your unique experiences, and help celebrate successes. For more details of what this entails, please reach out to @Mfallis (
Ovarian Cancer Canada is thrilled to share that we have some exciting updates on the way for OVdialogue. These enhancements are designed to strengthen our community and make your experience even better.

Stay tuned for more details, and feel free to share your thoughts below. Let’s make this community even stronger!




  • Just a reminder to everyone…you can always give your GP a call to deal with some health issues. You can often get into see your GP quicker than your Onc, so you can nip things in the bud. 
    Just thought I’d mention this because, at the beginning of my journey, it took me awhile to figure this out…I just thought that everything was chemo related so would wait to see my Onc. I found the crossover between GP and Onc confusing. It wasn’t until I had Avastin-induced high blood pressure, and my Onc referred me to my GP, that I fully understood my GPs role. I am fortunate to have a GP who stays on top of my cancer journey and is part of the palliative care team in town. I trust her fully. 
    If you are not sure, you can always call the cancer nursing triage line and speak to them about your symptoms and the best course of action. Always best to get things checked out as quickly as possible. 
    Hope you find this little tidbit of advice useful. 😁
  • Excellent point @GloHo.  I too struggled for a long time at the beginning about the division of responsibilities between the oncologist and my GP.  I wish they would be a lot more clear on this.  It seems like pretty basic information to communicate to the patient.  
  • @GloHo I’m very fortunate my GP calls me once a week just to check on me.
  • Strongwoman
    Strongwoman Moderator
    @Sandi6 I am feeling better today and thought I would comment on your earlier post.  I, too, had a really rough go with my 2nd round of chemo.  It was the worst side effects I had felt and told the Oncologist I didn't want to feel that way again.  I recall being in and out of bed and generally unwell.  We figured out a medication regime after that and I was not ill like that again after chemo.  Make sure you mention it to your Oncologist when you go next.  I understand some may have been from your sinus infection but best to mention regardless if they can prevent anything your next round.  I am thankful to hear you are doing better regarding the sinus infection.  If you are in Ontario, I hope you are getting outside a little bit to soak up those rays of sunshine.  I recall sitting in a chair in nightgown, housecoat, hat on and blankets while the sun was shining and I was recovering from my surgery.  I may not have sat long but it sure was nice to feel the sun and breathe that fresh air.  Sending healing vibes your way.

    @JoanEG  You will have had your surgery and may still be on a floor in the hospital currently.  I do hope you get out soon and start your recovery at home.  I did my best healing there.  Do what you can and walk every day a few times a day.  It was tough and slow and I had to hang on to someone as I literally shuffled along the sidewalk of my home but I did it.  There was pain but I would stop, breathe and begin again when I could.  I had some great rests/sleeps too.  The first shower will feel amazing but remember it may also cause you to nap too.  I know I did for at least a half hour in the first few weeks home from surgery.  We are here for you if you need us for tips, tricks or encouragement.  You have the surgery done, now it is can do it!  Hang in there and my thoughts are with you as well.

    @GloHo Thank you for all your words of encouragement while I was under the weather.  I still am working on my energy level from the obstruction last week.  I got weighed and blood taken on Monday then saw my Oncologist yesterday.  I am down 5 lbs from last month which is prolly from being sick from the obstruction but the good new is, my blood work is great.  My CA 125 is up minimally from last month (307 to 312) and my creatinine is sitting at 81 (that's the best it's been in a long time).  I picked up some Ensure and am taking one daily, back on my daily vitamin as well and doing my best to increase my eating safely.  I am still not great on my feet to walk any distance alone but that is ok.  I walked with my youngest son yesterday afternoon which was nice and then hubby last night when he got home from work.  I am retiring early to bed but am wide awake at like 4am.  I am going to have to change that somehow as it is too early to be awake.  The Oncologist finally agreed to switch my oral chemo med so I started Tamoxifen this morning.  I am hoping the side effects are not that bad compared to the Letrozole and I will be able to manage them well.  Our silly LL's sent someone through our house on Sat for a "re-visit" as we are unsure if these are the buyers or not. These people haven't set foot in our house since 8 mos ago.  I wasn't feeling great but with my parents there and my boys, it was enough to keep my hubby's anxiety down about it all.  For that, I am grateful.  I wrote our paralegal this morning and will wait to see if she has any little nuggets of info for us or bombs that are yet to come.  We will see what happens.  I am off to my Day Program at Hospice this morning and am looking forward to it.  Also looking forward to getting in another walk this afternoon as this weather (17 degrees and sunny) is not to last.  I will soak it up as long as I can.

    @melissa I hope you are doing well and are feeling well.  Using that membership or getting outside and filling your day up in some meaningful way.  

    To our other ladies @Eileen @Taita and @HoldingOn I wish you all peace, comfort and love from everyone around you.  <3

    I picked up 4 fairies on Monday from my pottery place.  I am painting one each for my sons, my nephew and my niece and doing them in their favourite colours.  I will put it in with the Robert Munsch book "Love you Forever" for them all.  I packaged up some mugs for my sons yesterday with a hand written note for them to read. It was emotional but it makes me feel good that I am slowly getting things done for them like I wanted to. 

    Well ladies, I have rattled on for a bit now and have to go get myself moving so I can get out the door in time.   Take care all.  Know you are all loved and supported.  You matter!  So, don't be afraid to post what you need to in that particular moment. We are all here waiting to assist.  <3
  • @Strongwoman my surgery went well but.. there is a mass entangled with my bowel creating a partial obstruction that they couldn’t take out.  I will require more chemo and will have to watch my diet.  I feel you know lots about bowel obstructions and I know I will be leaning on you for guidance.  Of course I do have follow up coming with my medical oncologist and a dietitian.
  • Well… I took myself to the hospital Tuesday night!! I was having pain all around my middle - front and back - it hurt to take a deep breath. I get to hospital and pass out in triage - no 4-hour wait for me!! I got a bed and was taken into emerg immediately. They were concerned it was my heart so they ran all kinds of tests. Everything checked out ok but they took me up to ICU for overnight observation. Of course they kept waking me up every hour to take blood and check my vitals. They were not able to find anything wrong so the consensus was that it was really bad gas and the passing out was probably a vascular complication related to the gas. I had gone into hospital thinking of all the things it could be related to my cancer. Thank goodness it wasn’t. I am wearing a heart monitor for a week to be on the safe side. My stomach feels like I did about 1000 sit ups - it feels bruised. It feels a bit better today. 
    Now I am going to have to see if this little episode is going to disqualify me for the trial. I hope not. Things were just starting to come together with all of my appointments. 
    I’ll keep you posted. 
  • Strongwoman
    Strongwoman Moderator
    Welcome Ladies.....I am a little late coming into the chat today but am here....will type more very shortly.
  • Strongwoman
    Strongwoman Moderator
    @JoanEG Thank you for letting us know you made it through surgery and are doing ok thus far with recovery.  I am saddened to hear that there is this mass that they were unable to do anything with while in there.  Of course, you go ahead and ask and let me know how I can support you in the change in your dietary habits.  It is a bit restrictive in some ways but...we do get to eat chocolate and ice cream! So I am taking that as a win. :wink:
    Keep resting up and join us when you feel better. Take care of yourself first.  <3
  • Strongwoman
    Strongwoman Moderator
    @GloHo I am proud of you that you took the initiative to go to the Hospital.  Truth is, none of us want to go but it is very brave and courageous when we can recognize we must go and admit we need more assistance.  Are you still in hospital currently or have you been able to come home? How are your ribs and insides feeling today?  Still tender?  It is terrible when they feel like that.  I, too, hope that this will not impede your eligibility for your trial.  Although I would wonder why it would and that would be an interesting answer to the question should it come up.  Hope you are resting as well.  
  • @Strongwoman thank you.  I will be going home tomorrow.  I need to get some of this gas passed in the meantime!  It’s pretty uncomfortable.  Right now I need a nap.
  • Strongwoman
    Strongwoman Moderator
    I was late today as I went to see my elderly Aunt with the health issues this morning. We took her little dog for it's walk and then had a chit chat back at the house with a cup of tea.  We were discussing how she is pretty much where I was at a year ago.  So much medical information flooding in and deciding on what one wants from life, quality or quantity.  She did tell me she wasn't ready to die yet which was not what I thought she would say.  We discussed things like how she felt her life was in general and if she could turn back time, would she change anything and if so, what.  You know, light chit chat stuff. ;)
    LOL  How comfortable I was doing it though was good for her.  No tears from me, and calm and collected. Was nice to chat so openly together.

    I then left there and went up to my sister's house.  She was not home but my brother in law was.  He was the one I was looking for anyways.  I decided that I would give him his Legacy gift from myself today. I am thankful she wasn't there as we shed some tears and I asked him not to show my sister the card I gave him and to take care of her for me. She is my youngest and closest sister I have.  He has been so good to her. This is the brother in law that grows/harvests the CBD that has been amazing in my care especially for the nausea.  I am thankful he knows how to do that.  Anyways, it was weird in a way to watch him open my gift that I picked especially for him.  He loved it and that is all I needed to see and hear.  I know he will treasure it.  He is the type of man that you would not see shed tears very often or expect it.  In fact, it was the first time I have ever seen him shed a tear.  How crazy is that?  Still, I am glad I gave it to him.  My decision remains that the others will have to wait for theirs later.  I am not even done wrapping most of them.  Will try to wrap one every day. It's the writing part that is the most difficult to do. 

    I picked up 4 faeries at the pottery shop and they are going to be for my niece, nephew and 2 boys.  I have started one of them already.  

    So, ladies, what are you doing this Thursday afternoon?  I am online with you while watching "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood" with my youngest son.  Lazy afternoon for me.....
  • Strongwoman
    Strongwoman Moderator
    @JoanEG Walking does help and if not there is Ginger OVOL that helped me.  It was like a godsend when a friend recommended it for me.  It is terrible feeling that full of gas, isn't it?  
    Rest and we will chat again when you feel up to it. 
  • @Strongwoman
    So nice you were able to have that heart-to-heart with your Aunt. I think going thru this journey makes us realize how important and necessary those conversations are. 
    Sounds like a very emotional exchange with your brother-in-law. Brought tears to my eyes reading your recap. 
    The fairies sound cute. Hope you post pics when done. 

    Sorry to hear about the mass they couldn’t remove. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Get your rest and get that gas moving!! 💨 

    I came home yesterday. Feeling better today - tummy not as tender. I am tired from not sleeping for one night and not eating for a day. I had a Boost and some toast last night…after a good sleep. Today I had scrambled eggs and a Boost. We took the puppy to the dog park for a bit this morning…it started to rain so that cut it short. Came home and had a nap. Going to have another Boost. Solid food doesn't interest me right now but I do feel my appetite coming back so maybe something solid for dinner. 
    I called the clinical trial nurse this morning to tell her about my little episode. After hearing they didn’t find anything wrong with my heart she said we could move forward because one of my next tests is an ECHO (and we’ll see what the CardioStat heart monitor report says for this upcoming week - not sure how long it takes to get the report but it sounds like the ECHO will determine my move forward). 
    So, for the clinical trial, I have a Screening appt on Mar 22 and my biopsy is scheduled for Mar 26. If all goes well with my screening tests, I will start treatment on Mar 27!! I will write more under clinical trials when I get to that point.
  • Something to ponder…why does every nurse and phlebotomist think THEY can find that magic vein that has eluded everyone else for the last three years. I tell them where to poke but they insist on trying different spots! I even ask for someone to access my port for ease of collection. Some tests require direct from vein apparently. I have two good bruises and one of the other pokes was in the wrist. The wrist access hurts no matter what but when they miss and start moving the needle around it makes me cry and I become bitchy cause it hurts like hell. If they can’t get it on the first try, they should stop immediately. I’ve had the wrist before but it was bearable because they got it on the first try which is why I allowed them to give it a try this time. I’m not usually a wimp when it comes to needles but this was a bit much. Considering I’ve been poked and prodded for five years and this is my first bad experience…guess I’ve been lucky. 💉
  • @GloHo I agree wholeheartedly! I’ve always been able to point out the best spot to draw blood, but since I’ve started chemo the nurses seem to have a mind of their own when choosing a spot. After several attempts with lots of digging around, they end up using my hand. Never in the spot I recommend. Painful and frustrating.

  • @Strongwoman I really enjoyed reading about your intimate experiences with your family. You’ve sparked an interest in me to create a legacy gift for everyone in my life. I just have to think of something. One idea I have is to create wind chimes using my Grandmother’s good silver for my family. I’m open to any ideas you wonderful ladies have. 😘 
  • Hello ladies

    I'm pooped. I don't know what I was thinking scheduling a blood test for 7am, but I did.  Didn't help that I only got about 4.5 hrs of sleep due to pain from an old shoulder injury but luckily one of my friends is an osteopath and she worked on my shoulder and it seems to be healing... Still going for longish daily walks today was nice and sunny.

    Blood is all good as per MD and I officially got my CT scan results and am still in remission. Dr wants to change my scans from every 3 months to every 6 months... Don't feel happy about this and will fight to get one more scan at my 6 month post chemo mark mid May then we'll see.  One doc says scans every 3 months and now the head of the dept says every 6... Sounds like a money saving scheme to me... I dunno.

    @JoanEG glad you are recovering from surgery and going home tomorrow. I am sorry to hear they couldn't remove the mass in the colon..if I remember correctly you were not thrilled at the possibility of needing more chemo post surgery ( who the heck would be) . Have your doctor's brought up PARP inhibitors? Since you're BRCA +. All I've read about them and that's a lot. Is that BRCA positive patients respond exquisitely to them. Happy healing xo

    @GloHo sorry to hear about your trip to the hospital. Happy to hear pain is improving.. I can imagine what it must've felt like for you, with thoughts racing our minds immediately go to cancer..... Who knew gas pain could be so severe. Was very pleased to read that everything is still a go for the trial!
  • I’m not sure how to respond on this website sorry. I feel we have all been thru a difficult month. My last  month has been pure hell. My abdomen has been swollen  and  very hard. I look pregnant while the rest of me is skin and bones.Lost my appetite , feel nauseous , vomited, acid reflux + fatigue, constipated.    My ca125 actually went down with immunotherapy go figure.  .But today I saw my oncologist because I couldn’t take it anymore.  Even without the scan he concluded that immunotherapy is not working for me . He admitted me (without going thru emergency🙏and I already got a ct scan done at 9 pm. Tomorrow they will do a biopsy and drain the ascites for relief.  And they will see if I’m eligible for a clinical trial with a new round of drugs. ( since last June I’ve done 6 rounds of carbo caelyx + 5 rounds of keytruda). Without counting what I went thru in 2020 (6 rounds carbo + taxol). I thank my lucky stars that I live in Montreal and my husband and girls can easily come to see me). I’ve read some of you live far from your hospitals and just getting stuff done is difficult. I feel for you ladies that have this added stress. 
  • @Lorraine5845 im sorry to hear the past month has been so bad. It's nice to hear that your doc got you admitted without you having to wait in an ER for hours and hours.  Saddened to hear that it appears immunotherapy isn't working for you . I hope they find a trial for you. I was reading about Gemcitabine and some studies showed that it worked well for some clear cell patients and when I asked my onc about it she confirmed this

    I'm in Montreal as well, followed at the Jewish General. Glad you will get the paracentesis done and will feel the immediate relief it brings. I wish you a good night's sleep and here to listen if/when you feel like sharing updates xo
  • Strongwoman
    Strongwoman Moderator
    @GloHo Thank you for your kind words, it was a special time with both today, for sure.  It's what most of our lives are. I feel that sometimes along the way in adulthood, we often forget to savour moments and cherish what we have and who we have in our lives. It is hard not too especially when we are on journeys like all of us are.  When talking with both my Palliative Doc and Oncologist, I have relayed how fortunate I feel that I have been fortunate to have this time to prepare and spend with those I love. How sad it is that some don't take the time to do it or take it for granted. How others, live in a denial state and don't come out of it and then it's gone. What a gift it is to be here, today and to live in the moment daily. 
    I can relate to you not wanting to have solid food and a disinterest in food.  I know that I certainly felt that way after my obstruction Thursday night. It is not a good state to be in but am happy to hear you are ingesting Boost to get those nutrients up again.  It sounds like things are moving forward for your regarding the trial as well.  That must be a good feeling. I am hoping you are having a good night's sleep tonight and that your appetite begins to return some tomorrow.  One thing I have found that I am enjoying is canned chicken from Costco mixed with a bit of mayo and dijon mustard. I then toast the piece of bread, spread some chicken mixture on and top it with a bit of cheese then pop it in the oven to melt. So kind of like a tuna melt but with chicken. Sometimes it goes nicely with a cup of soup too.  
    Here is to a better tomorrow, better appetites and great sleeps! 
    Talk soon  <3
  • Strongwoman
    Strongwoman Moderator
    I agree with you ladies about drawing blood and/or placement for CT scan.  I warn them ahead of time now and say this has happened and that has happened then see what they do.  With the bloodwork, I tell them that I need the butterfly and say "good luck"!.  It does make one feel unheard and very vulnerable at the time though.  I was even told by the CT floor to make sure they book me during the day so the staff is on hand to do the ultrasound guided placement for the CT scan.  I tell the person booking it that it is "their" request not mine.  I usually get booked quickly after that.  I go for my CT scan on April 4th. My CA 125 level is up slightly but my numbers tend to do that. They seem to rise 5-8 points for 2-3 times then jump a big amount for the next 2-3 times and rinse, repeat.  Weird.  Looking forward to this CT scan as the last one was done when I had the obstruction and went to Emerg in Jan.  They didn't really comment on growth etc as they were more focused on the obstruction then.  Odd isn't it?  How we get excited over a scan and the results of them.  

    @Sandi6  I am happy to hear that you found some inspiration in what I wrote and want to do some of your own Legacy work.  I am happy to share some of what I have done and hear what you plan on doing as well.  It really is quite individual and your imagination is your limit.  For me, I have thought of things that are meaningful to me and the individual I want to leave it for.  For example, for my boys, I started out by organizing their school stuff first.  Then went into some little momentos etc that I had sorted through and bought a tote to put it in.  I have knit but still have to wrap them both baby cocoons and blankets for when they have their own children some day (in case I am not here).  I started a cook book for each of them, have photos to go through and am leaving them and their 2 cousins the fairies and the Love you Forever books that I wrote in a personal message for them all.  For my parents, I have made a wind chime out of raw clay that they then hard fired to withstand the elements outside.  I still have to touch it up a little then wrap it up.  I am saving some of the things I have done at Hospice groups for my boys as well.  I have found prompted books to write in for my boys and hubby.  I have painted numerous clay items for various family members and bought lined books at the dollar store to write certain family my own little story or messages.  One of the biggest things I have not done yet but will is do something with both my face and voice on.  I had a volunteer at Hospice tell me that is something that her children can't remember about their father is the sound of his voice.  These things we take for granted and forget quickly.  My friend is recording herself via video reading story books and leaving the book and video for her grandson in the future.  There is so much one can do and the sky or imagination is your limit as to what possibilities there are.  Start small, find a few things to work on so that you can jump from one thing to the next depending on what your mood allows you to do any given day.  Leave notes or voice recordings. Interview yourself.  Tell the story of how you and your partner met or family secrets.  Whatever you want to do is the right thing for you.  Your idea of the windchime sounds lovely and I can't wait to see it when it is done. I look forward to hearing what projects you get up to.  The only thing you have to do is......BEGIN!!!! <3
  • Strongwoman
    Strongwoman Moderator
    @melissa That is wonderful news to hear you are still NED.  I feel that I would ask to do a CT scan in 3 months time and then agree to do one in 6 mos time if that one is still showing NED.  I think it is a fair ask and not unreasonable at all.  How would you feel about that?  Would that sit better with you?  I know it is hard to sit in the unknown and wondering if it is returning in that 6 mos window.  I found it hard but had to go with the process they wanted me to do.  Now they ask me what I want to do but again, I am at a smaller hospital and not a large one.  
    My gosh girl, what did you want to be up and about that early for?  Now I say, anytime after 9am.  I give myself grace and allow myself not to rush out of the house if I don't have to.  Good thing for Osteo's eh?  Glad your friend was able to help you.  They really are an amazing healthcare professional and can do wonders with so many issues within the body.  
    We have had rain here most of the afternoon and evening with wind.  It truly is a nasty night out.  Will see what tomorrow brings.  
    Any plans for the weekend?
    Take care of yourself and enjoy what you can.  <3
  • Strongwoman
    Strongwoman Moderator
    @Lorraine5845 You did post a response. If you want to respond or have a message go to a certain person, put the @ in front of their name.  Like if you wanted to send me one, you put @Strongwoman  Hope that helps. :)
    It sounds like you have had a tough month indeed.  The ascites you have been experiencing is difficult.  I know other ladies have commented on how uncomfortable it feels when you become "full" again.  They seem to feel better after drainage and some have it fill back up quickly.  I hope that is not the case for you.  
    I am thankful that your doctor was on the ball and admitted you right away.  I feel that you are where you need to be right now.  The scan will definitely show more and your team will come up with a new plan of action for you soon.  Here is hoping you will be out of hospital soon and on the mend at home.  It must be a scary feeling though in the meantime.  How are you doing with it all emotionally and mentally?  How are your girls and hubby doing with it all?
    Yes it is good to have a hospital close by and accessible.  I, too, feel for the ladies that have to travel so far to have things done.  I have travelled a little to 2 different hospitals but my main care remains close.  I am very grateful for that.  
    When you are ready, we are here for whatever you want to chat or vent about.  As you get more comfortable with posting, it will become old hat and you won't even think about it as you do it.  Hang in there.
    In the meantime, try to get some sleep as tomorrow is nearing closer.  As I say that, it is time for me to head to bed now.  I will greeted by my Rottweiler in the bedroom who won't let me get into bed until I pet him.  Good grief eh?  He like literally blocks my access to the bed until I do. Dogs....! ;)
    Night ladies and chat again soon.  
    Tomorrow I am off to retrieve my "winnings" from an online auction and see just how big this lighted cabinet is that I bidded on. ;)
  • @Strongwoman thanks for that that
  • @melissa Am also at the Jewish probably being treated by the same team. And that’s the drug Gemcitabine that’s on the critical trial but first they have to see if I am eligible.  Let’s hope because the other choice is avastin with taxol. 
  • @Lorraine5845
    Sorry to hear you’ve had such a rough go of it over the last month and that Pembrolizumab may not be working for you. You are fortunate to get your CT so quickly. The results will guide your decision re next steps. Glad to hear you will get some relief from your ascites tomorrow too! How do you feel about a clinical trial? There are amazing resources for out of town patients if you find you have to travel outside of Montreal so don’t let that be a deterrent until you’ve weighed all the pros and cons of what is best for you. As someone going thru my second clinical trial and now as an out of town patient, I’m here if you have any questions. 
    So happy to hear that you are still NED!! I agree with @Strongwoman regarding the CT in three months then negotiate from there.
    Happy home day. It is always nice to be home in a more relaxing environment to heal and get better. 
    @Sandi6 Can’t wait to see how your legacy projects come along. 
    OMG…how cute…I love rotties!! One of my previous dogs was part rottie/part boxer = Boxweiller. 
    I was also an avid online auction participant. I haven’t been onto the sites lately, but I have gotten some amazing finds on those sites over the years!! You will also find us regularly tooting about town (and sometimes out of town) during garage sale season. Not that we need anything!!! I find it a great way to get out and get exercise - especially those street/community sales!! 
  • My hospital stay was quite interesting. I found that it was like playing the old telephone game. A Dr/Nurse would come in and say this is what I understand your situation is…. I would simply look at them quizzically and then correct their “understanding” of what was going on. I guess because I passed out, their main concern was my heart and the reason I actually came in for became almost redundant!! I had to keep reminding them that, hey, I still have this discomfort in my belly. To be fair, when I did go to x-ray or ultrasound, they did cover both my heart and belly. And while I understand the urgency with heart issues, I really just wanted some relief from my belly issue. 
    Also interesting was the push back I got when I told them I didn’t want Tylenol and to give me Ibuprofen instead. The reason I gave was due to my liver enzyme counts and how that was one of the worst things I could have. I also mentioned that because I am being screened for a clinical trial, I did not want to screw up my blood counts. I felt like they thought I was crazy and putting them out by making this request. I heard the nurse comment at the nursing station about my request. She had to call the Dr to get the ok to make the change. I could just imagine the eye-rolling behind the scenes (at least my imagination did!). They did honour my request, but I should not have been made to feel the way I did. Would be nice to have some patient respect and understanding. They know I have ovarian cancer, they know how long I’ve been at this, they know my whole medical history…including how many different treatments I’ve had. Could they not have at least given me the benefit of the doubt and some understanding that I would not ask for something different without a good reason. Self-advocating…continuously!!
  • OK…I’m on a roll. I just hope some of my meandering helps others in these situations to realize that it is absolutely necessary (and OK) to self-advocate and to never shy away from doing so. YOU know what is best for YOU. I am also notorious for asking why they are suggesting a course of action or a specific med and letting them know that I want to be part of the decision-making process for my care. Control issues? Who, me? Maybe…🤣🤣🤣. 
  • @GloHo as a healthcare professional myself reading your post made me angry about the way the nurses treated you. It's disgraceful. I must admit that we all whine and complain about patient requests from time to time as a coping mechanism or way to vent from working in stressful environments.

    That being said, I have always made sure my patient could not hear me. It's terrible the dummy nurse didn't have the mindfulness to make sure they were not within earshot. Easier said than done to confront someone like this especially when we are going through cancer, but do me a favor if you ever hear a nurse, doctor, complain about a request again call them out on it and embarrass the crap out of them.

    I will do the same moving forward. I know in my practice I am sensitive to patients situation 90+ % of the time, but I do see colleagues that are jaded or whatever you want to call it. being so insensitive I firmly believe that all healthcare professional would benefit from having a health scare of their own to help with empathy.

    Your request for Advil...... Not like you were asking the nurse to personally go out and get you take out... It's advil...Geez. for the right reason too. We always have to be hyper vigilant and keep advocating for ourselves. 

    Even myself yesterday with one of my once, the one with the wonderful idea of only doing scans twice a year.. that's not gonna happen, I will pay for my next one if I have to but will fight to get one at my 6 month post chemo mark. Anyway he said we can use the CA125 marker as it was elevated blah blah blah... I told him no, it was not elevated at moment of surgery, he kept saying yes it was 101 I had to tell him to basically open his computer and check again because I've been keeping track of only my numbers whereas he has to keep track of probably 100 women's numbers. Sigh. Sure enough I was right. At least he had the class to apologize.
  • Strongwoman
    Strongwoman Moderator
    My my Ladies....we are early risers this morning!  Look at all that activity so far and it is not even 8am ET yet! 
    @GloHo Yes, it can be very difficult advocating for oneself.  No, the nursing staff should not behave in that manner especially within earshot of you. This is unfortunately one of those things that is common place in many hospitals. They don't seem to care if it is overheard or not.  I feel they are so overworked and understaffed their frustrations due to it, come out in different ways and one of them is patient care.  I am not excusing it only re-iterating that you are not alone.  You are also correct that the buck stops at us and we must advocate for what it is we want and express what we don't want.  In the end, it is our bodies.  It becomes very frustrating for us, the patient at the time, and we feel undervalued and can even cause some to self doubt what they know is right to ask for.  I have found that if one is NOT voiceful, you can get railroaded.  I tend to ask "And if I don't choose to do this or take that, what does that look like?".  They can roll their eyes all they want, they aren't the ones going through it.  I know for definitely sure that I am NOT doing a breathing tube or tracheotomy.  EVER!!!  I am not going through it and I am not letting my family see that.  I support @GloHo and will say, stand up and ask for what you need and try nicely first but if you are not getting anywhere, throw a little sass in there and see what happens.  ;)

    @GloHo Are you at home then now?  Did you see my post about @Taita?