Original Message:
Sent: 03-05-2025 22:42
From: melissa
Subject: Teal Thursday - 1pm EST
Thanks @JoanEG i kinda miss us all chatting on here. I think about you ladies and wonder how you are all doing. @Sandi6 hope you are doing better, last time I think you were getting on a trial, hope it happened fingers crossed. @HorseGirl hope you're well
Original Message:
Sent: 03-05-2025 22:22
From: JoanEG
Subject: Teal Thursday - 1pm EST
Hey@melissa I was just thinking of you! Sending you positive vibes for your scan tomorrow and I hope they patched up the bullet holes! 😁
Original Message:
Sent: 03-05-2025 22:03
From: melissa
Subject: Teal Thursday - 1pm EST
Hello ladies
Just felt like jumping online to say a quick hello. @Strongwoman very very happy to see you back online the other day, glad you are settled into your new home. @JoanEG I have a scan tomorrow, I will let you know if the bullet holes are still there : ) anyone online and feels like chatting, venting or anything else.
Original Message:
Sent: 02-28-2025 16:26
From: JoanEG
Subject: Teal Thursday - 1pm EST
It's so nice to have you back@Strongwoman I have really missed you! I'm sure you have been very busy but I'm happy to hear your move is done I'm sure that was exhausting. It is a gorgeous day here on Vancouver Island. I just got back from meeting my sister and niece for lunch and I'm waiting for my granddaughter and great granddaughter to come for a visit. I have been feeling really well other than fighting a cold which seems to have swept through everyone I know! Again I'm som happy and relieved to have you back! Teal Thursday hasn't been the same without you. 🩵
Original Message:
Sent: 02-28-2025 13:03
From: Strongwoman
Subject: Teal Thursday - 1pm EST
Back from the walk and starting to snow a little.
what are you all up to?
Original Message:
Sent: 02-28-2025 12:41
From: Strongwoman
Subject: Teal Thursday - 1pm EST
Going to go on a walk with my son shortly. Just found out my mom's neighbour passed away this morning. Sad day indeed. I will be back on when we are back from our walk..
Original Message:
Sent: 02-28-2025 12:25
From: Strongwoman
Subject: Teal Thursday - 1pm EST
Hello Everyone. I am finally able to get on and get going on this site. It has been a bit of a struggle for me learning. But I am getting there. We are moved in and struggling to get everything unpacked. Finding places for things to go is especially hard as you all know. Making dinner is a challenge some nights too.....I have been getting tired as well too. his makes it a challenge too. So what have you all been up to these days? Anything on the go? Laundry and the usual for me. Not much more than that. Had to get a new vehicle. Smashed my older one so made me make the leap. Oh well. It was challenging looking for a vehicle but glad it is done now. Today is my nephew's birthday which makes it a special day. I wonder what he is up to these days. Probably not much like the rest of us. Well I am going to to go now and see what I can do in the meantime. Chat soon.
Original Message:
Sent: 02-28-2025 09:54
From: Strongwoman
Subject: Teal Thursday - 1pm EST
Original Message:
Sent: 02-28-2025 07:46
From: Alwayslearning
Subject: Teal Thursday - 1pm EST
@JoanEG I love this.
Original Message:
Sent: 02-27-2025 20:15
From: JoanEG
Subject: Teal Thursday - 1pm EST
Yes it is indeed go karting. My family has always been involved in all forms of motorsports. Here are a couple of photos from the weekend. The group photo was before the rain came!
Original Message:
Sent: 02-27-2025 19:43
From: Alwayslearning
Subject: Teal Thursday - 1pm EST
Hi @JoanEG I did indeed have a busy day. I'm sorry you are fighting a cold. Seems to be the season for it. Glad however as you said, that it's just a cold and that your system is fighting. Good on you for resuming your volunteer work. I bet you get a lot of joy from that. I'm assuming when you say "Kart" that you mean "go-karting"? I could be completely wrong. It sounds very cool and interesting. As I've never been in a 'go-kart' I am definitely intrigued!!
Original Message:
Sent: 02-27-2025 16:17
From: JoanEG
Subject: Teal Thursday - 1pm EST
Good afternoon @Alwayslearning it definitely sounds like you have a busy day ahead! I have been fighting a cold for 2 weeks now so I haven't been doing too much. I'm sure glad I have a good supply of tissues because I am sure going through them! I'm just thankful it's nothing more serious so just a cough and runny nose. I have resumed my volunteer work with the Vancouver Island Karting Association and we held our first race this past weekend. It was a very wet weekend so I'm was thankful my job as registrar keeps me inside!
Original Message:
Sent: 02-27-2025 08:55
From: Alwayslearning
Subject: Teal Thursday - 1pm EST
Hi all,
It's Thursday, Feb 27th or Election Day for those of us in Ontario. I'm posting early as I'm not going to be available at 1pm. My 87 year old parents are in the midst of moving to a retirement home with the official move on Saturday. I'm at their house every day packing, sorting, purging etc. I'll be tackling the linen closet and my Mum's closet today (wish me luck!) so will be there all day. Although I'm not available, I want to encourage those who are out there and available to hop on line and connect at 1pm EST. I know so many of us get tremendous benefit from connecting with each other in this forum. Let us know what's happening with you. How are you feeling? Are you in need of any help from others in this forum? I will hop back on later today, possible nursing a well deserved glass of wine. I look forward to hearing from y'all (sorry but I'm in Florida right now so had to add a bit of 'southern' fair). Talk soon!
P.S. I couldn't figure out how to start a new post for this week's Teal Thursday so am doing this as a reply to the last post. @mfallis any suggestions?
Original Message:
Sent: 02-21-2025 11:21
From: GloHo
Subject: Teal Thursday - 1pm EST
Hi. Great article. Thanks for sharing. It supports what I've been doing…and puts the way I've been thinking into a nice concise article. And, yes!, I wish the whole process of developing and testing drugs was shorter!! I sure hope they can find a way to make that happen.
I do quite a bit of research when I am headed into another treatment plan and have informed discussions with my Onc to arrive at what is best for me. Actually, both of my Oncs have steered clear of placebo trials which is the way I was thinking, so I was always receiving "intervention" treatment and never a placebo. So far, just the last treatment made a dent in my disease but I often wonder if having received the other trial drugs slowed down my progression (until it didn't) 🤔.
I have been very fortunate to have been asymptomatic throughout my journey and side effects have been manageable - allowing me to maintain quality of life along with quantity. A few bumps in the road along the way but that is to be expected.
Original Message:
Sent: 02-20-2025 16:32
From: Tanja
Subject: Teal Thursday - 1pm EST
@GloHo - just learn about this new anniversary. It gives me hope to see how you manage with getting your tumor under control with different strategies. It looks like you are navigating pretty well between trials while keeping active. I just stumbled upon an interesting article from last May in Nature about re-thinking clinical trial design in Oncology. You may feel alike?
Original Message:
Sent: 02-20-2025 13:21
From: GloHo
Subject: Teal Thursday - 1pm EST
Hi everyone.
So…just celebrated my 6-year diagnosis anniversary (YAY!).
I am on a chemo holiday until April! It's very odd to not be immersed in schedules, travel, and scanxiety…but am making the best of it!! 🤣🤣
Went to my first drop-in pickleball game today. It was fun, just my speed, and I've booked again for next week. I also found out that there are a couple other indoor facilities in town so I may check one of them out too! So glad I'm relatively healthy and can still participate in something like this.
I have been trying to get my shingles vaccine for the past year and a half but my chemo and trial schedules have not allowed me the time to get one…until now!! Going this afternoon for the first shot.
Original Message:
Sent: 02-11-2025 10:00
From: Alwayslearning
Subject: Teal Thursday - 1pm EST
Hello all,
Sounds like there are some exciting changes coming to support the "Teal Thursday" discussions within the website redesign. While that's in process, perhaps we can use this thread to connect.
Hopefully that will work in the interim. I look forward to "talking" with you this Thursday at 1pm, EST.
Until then take care.