No you haven't seen anything from me in awhile. Was having trouble logging on first and now have that sorted out. Then it was the moving part that was holding me up. No excuse except certain things took priority. Now I am sorted out and should be ok. Sounds like you have your hands full with your parents and their stuff. Will be lovely for the grandchildren to come and see you at Easter. Will be fun for all I am sure.
Glad to hear you are doing well and are not experiencing any discomfort that can't be explained. Sitting in the meantime waiting to see if something shows up is in and of itself a challenge. We can beat ourselves up thinking every little thing is something we should get investigated. I am thankful to hear that you seem to have a good handle on that.
Well I will be in and out as I play a game of Scrabble with my son during our time. We try to play before he goes to work daily. Passes some time and gets the brain going.
Original Message:
Sent: 03-13-2025 12:52
From: Alwayslearning
Subject: Teal Thursday - March 2025
Hello @Strongwoman...I'm glad you are getting settled. Having just moved my 87 year old parents from their house to retirement home, with some significant downsizing and then resetting everything in their new place, I completely understand how exhausting (and challenging) it can be. I think I want to come to your place for dinner though...for the leftover Shepard's pie (yum).
I'm still in Florida helping my parents with their house closure plus my Dad has surgery on March 31st for his lung cancer so I'm here to help him with pre-op appointments, getting to/from the hospital for the surgery and staying with my Mum while he's in the hospital. My Mum has short term memory dementia so having just moved her to a new place, it's tough as we have to get her 'acclimated' and get stuff into her brain to stick. It's a process.
I had my CT scan in early Feb and was NED and am hoping (as we all do) that it remains that way. I still have on/off again lower abdominal pain which always keeps me a bit anxious however that is a side effect from Lynparza so just may be the thing I have to live with. My next appointment back at PMH is early May so won't have any tests done until then. Of course, am hoping all my bloodwork is good then too (fingers crossed).
Admittedly, being in Florida it is sunny and warm so I can't complain about the weather. I do know it was warm recently in the Toronto area so am hoping all the snow will soon be gone. My son and his fiancee are coming to Florida for Easter with my granddaughter so I'm pretty excited about that as are my parents (the great grandparents).
Just wondering how @Bonzi, @heslopk, @Sandi6, @lbarr72, @BennieTBear and @mazupardo are doing. I haven't seen anything from you in a bit (sorry if I missed it) so wanted to check in.
Thanks for kicking us off @Strongwoman
Original Message:
Sent: 03-13-2025 12:34
From: Strongwoman
Subject: Teal Thursday - March 2025
Good Afternoon Ladies!
We have some nice sunny weather with a cool breeze here today. I have been for my walk to do my errands and get something for dinner for them all. Now I sit and wait to see who is around today to chat. It has been awhile and I am sure there is a lot to catch up on. For me, nothing really has changed except they changed my sub cu meds to oral and I am feeling better and not as flat as I was. So that is good. Yesterday I had a bad day after eating some pizza but came through it all right. Today I am feeling better and tummy is better. Bowel movements have been fine too which is good. Tonight I am making them shake n bake chicken with baked potato for dinner. If not, there is left over cottage pie or shepherds pie they can have. I try to get out in the morning and go for a walk to determine dinner and then come back home to be able to make it in the afternoon. Gets me my exercise and what we will be having for dinner out of the way.
We are still slowly moving in and unpacking boxes. It is a tedious job that is for sure and one I can't do alone. This weekend hubby is setting up his speakers etc which will be a chore unto itself for him. I will watch and see how it all pans out. A friend of the family became a gramma this week which is exciting for her. She promised not to photo bomb me with pics being a gramma for the first time and all.
How has everyone else been doing? Tests coming up or waiting for results? Treatments going okay? Anyone waiting for NED status or news of some sort? Anyone waiting for spring to come like I am and to see what is going to pop out of the ground when it does? Of course there is always those landmines to clean up from winter too but hopefully some of the rain will take it away. We are to get some rain Saturday and Sunday here which will help get rid of the snow banks and clean up the salt on the ground. Other than that it will be a rainy day that is warmish.
Well ladies, who is on today and who would like to chat?
Original Message:
Sent: 03-06-2025 13:15
From: melissa
Subject: Teal Thursday - March 2025
Hello ladies
Here in Montreal it's warm enough to go for a walk, and all the snow is melting yay! What's everyone up to today?
Original Message:
Sent: 03-06-2025 09:42
From: JoanEG
Subject: Teal Thursday - March 2025
Thanks@mfallis I look forward to chatting with everyone!
Original Message:
Sent: 03-06-2025 08:58
From: mfallis
Subject: Teal Thursday - March 2025
Hi everyone - here is our Teal Thursday link for March 2025. I hope you are all well.