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  • 1.  Scalp Cooling in Ottawa

    Posted 02-03-2025 09:46

    I am a cancer survivor and finished my chemo in November 22.  I had stage 3 ovarian cancer.  In preparation of my chemo I decided to research ways to keep my hair and contacted a company in the UK.  As luck would have it they had a representative in Toronto that had that medical device at Princess Margaret Hospital.  Unfortunately, there were none in Ottawa.  This concept of scalp cooling in not well know in Canada.  Many other countries around the world have the availability to use as part of their chemo care.  I cold capped during my chemo and kept 95% of my hair.  I had only thinning all around but did not lose length or have any bald spots.  No one knew I was going through chemo treatments.  I made it my goal to get these medical devices to Ottawa.  Working with the representative in Toronto we started a painful journey of knocking on those doors that could make it happen.  I am happy to say that we got 3 Paxman machines at the Ottawa General Hospital and 3 at Irving Greenberg Hospital.  If you want more information please feel free to reach out to me.  You can also go on the Paxman Canada website for more information. 

  • 2.  RE: Scalp Cooling in Ottawa

    Posted 02-03-2025 19:43

    Hi @Elgin55...this is amazing! I read about cold capping but did not even think it was worth trying. Did you have Paclitaxel? I was informed that my hair would fall out regardless of cold capping so I'm curious. I hope I never have to go through chemo again however for anyone else out there, this is great information to know. You've done a great service to anyone in the Ottawa area. Congratulations!!


  • 3.  RE: Scalp Cooling in Ottawa

    Posted 02-06-2025 09:12

    Hi @Elgin55, Congrats on this success! I saw their ad at the General a little while ago. Although I'm not doing scalp cooling, I'm also in Ottawa and currently diagnosed with Stage 3 (diagnosed Nov. 24), age 39. I'm approaching Round 4 of chemo, followed by surgery and then two more rounds of chemo. I have only met one other person with Ovarian Cancer here so just wanted to say hi!! 

  • 4.  RE: Scalp Cooling in Ottawa

    Posted 02-06-2025 11:33

    If you're looking to meet others with gynecological cancers in the Ottawa area, there is a peer support group.  Find out about it at https://gynecancerottawa.wordpress.com.

  • 5.  RE: Scalp Cooling in Ottawa

    Posted 02-07-2025 11:01

    thanks so much! Had no idea

  • 6.  RE: Scalp Cooling in Ottawa

    Posted 02-06-2025 10:30

    Wow @Elgin55! That's awesome! Thanks so much for doing this for our community. I hope you are doing well.

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