Original Message:
Sent: 1/31/2025 4:38:00 PM
From: HorseGirl
Subject: RE: Recurrence #3
Hi, I don't have any experience with radiation. But I have a friend who has experienced targeted radiation for a tumour-there was some bleeding afterwards, but it sounds like it significantly shrunk the tumour quite a bit. Radiation is definitely effective in many ways, and I hope that you can get some answers from someone who has experienced it. I do have experience with vaginal discharge though. After my debulking surgery in August 2023, I started to have vaginal discharge after my second round of chemotherapy. I found it quite stressful and didn't know what was wrong. It eventually sorted itself out, but the bloating, the cramps and the discharge made me feel worried at the time. The anxiety related to this disease can be crippling-whether you have a reoccurrence or expecting one (me). Sometimes I take something to help me relax. Is that something you would consider doing, or maybe you are already doing it?
Original Message:
Sent: 01-31-2025 14:52
From: Camper62
Subject: Recurrence #3
Reading over my own messages from last year and truly appreciating the comments written back to me.
Well, here I am facing treatment yet again!
My last round of chemo ended in June 2024.
CTscan shows significant growth of my tumors on the vaginal cuff and liver.
I will be doing 5 radiation treatments targeted on the vaginal cuff to hopefully "dry" it out. I have been putting up with heavy discharge for 4 months.
Chemo to start in the spring (I am pushing for as long as I can). Cisplatin only. Hopefully it'll help.
Any positive comments on radiation?
I'm feeling anxious but dealing with a chronic discharge is not fun!