Original Message:
Sent: 02-11-2025 08:01
From: LizR
Subject: No more Teal Thursday?
I'm in for Thursday at 1 EST!
looking forward to meeting all of you!
Original Message:
Sent: 02-10-2025 23:53
From: JoanEG
Subject: No more Teal Thursday?
@melissa I think that is exactly what we will do! Thursday at 1pm EST! 🤗
Original Message:
Sent: 02-10-2025 21:41
From: melissa
Subject: No more Teal Thursday?
Hi @LizR welcome to the group! amazing to read that you have been NED for five years what an amazing feeling that must be. @JoanEG I too was wondering about our Thursday chats. I guess we can always just start chatting on Thursdays at 1pm? nothing stopping us... Do we need a moderator?
Original Message:
Sent: 02-10-2025 13:28
From: JoanEG
Subject: No more Teal Thursday?
Hi@LizR and welcome. Prior to the website revamp we used to do an online chat every Thursday. It was a great opportunity to touch base and give/get updates and info. Hopefully it will continue.
Original Message:
Sent: 02-10-2025 08:33
From: LizR
Subject: No more Teal Thursday?
HI All
I'm new around here but would love the chance to be in a weekly meet up online. How did it work before?
Original Message:
Sent: 02-09-2025 10:48
From: JoanEG
Subject: No more Teal Thursday?
Good morning everyone. I am wondering if Teal Thursday has gone by the wayside since the website revamp. I miss the open discussions and touching base with regulars like@GloHo@Alwayslearning among others. I miss@Strongwoman and wonder about her.
Hello? Tap, tap is this thing on