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  • 1.  Lynparza effects

    Posted 02-07-2025 08:04
    I started my OC journey midsummer od 2023, with surgery late August and 6 chemos from October until Frbruary 2024. I have now been on Lynparza ( olaparib) since April 2024. Twice I have pulled off it, first due to anemia, when the dosage was reduced and in November again when there was concern about the effect on my kidneys. I have had several visits with my oncologist at London CC and a kidney specialist and lots of blood tests. I have been feeling well, and able to be out and about and back to exercise group. The olaparib has done some minor damage to my kidneys, one of which was infarcted by a blood clot after surgery. I have gone back on the olaparib, as the danger of the Cancer overrides the minor kidney effects. I have been told to stop my BP med which is a low dose, as that will allow a better flow of blood to the kidneys. It certainly seems that everyone is having different experiences  while the approach to my care is quite standard. 
    Has anyone else had challenges with olaparib ? Seems to be working.
    Onward my fellow warriors ! It's another bright �� day !

    Sent from my Galaxy

  • 2.  RE: Lynparza effects

    Posted 02-08-2025 05:29

    @lbarr72 I've been on Lynparza since Aug '24. I did have some nausea for a few weeks post start but it subsided once I figured out eating/timing of taking the meds. I'm on the max dosage of 300/mg daily. I had fairly intense abdominal pains for the first 4 months but believe it may have been attributed to daily Senokot-S. I had been using that since March @ start of chemo. Within a few weeks of stopping, cramps dissipated. 
    My WBC & RBC counts have so far remained below normal. Kidney functions seem to be ok. I have full bloodwork scheduled for this Thursday with my regular two month oncologist visit. Will see if any changes then including CA-125 and post back. 🤞🤞

    I'm glad you were able to restart. Here's hoping it has settled into your system now and you'll have smoother sailing from here. 

  • 3.  RE: Lynparza effects

    Posted 02-09-2025 10:55

    Hi@lbarr72 I have been on Lynparza since June 2024.  I have been very fortunate in that I have had no adverse reactions.  I had a my latest CT scan in January and the results showed no sign of new disease and the mass that the surgeon was unable to remove when I had my surgery has shrunk which in turn has decreased the size of my partial bowel obstruction.  My bloodwork has been good and my CA125 is at 7.2.  My oncologist said this is exactly the result what they hope to see with patients taking Olaparib.

  • 4.  RE: Lynparza effects

    Posted 02-09-2025 13:12
    It amazes me how varied our experiences are, but I guess we are all individuals. It shows me not to read too much into statistics, as several are defying the odds. I had 8" of sigmoid rectal colon removed during my debulking surgery, as well as my appendix. Getting my gut functioning smoothly, along with the constipating effects of chemo has had me using Restoralax daily ever since. I took the senacot occasionally as well, but rely on the Restoralax (or Shoppers version called ClearLax). It keeps things moving and my gut comfortable. It was mentioned that any discomfort is now viewed with concern, and I find that too. I had a CT at the end of August that showed " no evidence of disease. 
    We are each a puzzle to solve, using what has proven effective in others. So glad the have our medical teams and Ovarian Cancer Canada working so hard for us. Thank you !
    Keep paddling ladies, and the boat moving forward ! Make the best of every day !!

    Sent from my Galaxy

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