Thank you Taralee, that is very helpful information. Sending healing thoughts of support.
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Lauren Persson
Original Message:
Sent: 2/27/2025 12:22:00 AM
From: taralee
Subject: RE: Cold caps do they work to prevent hair loss?
Hi I just finished 6 cycles of carbo and taxol. I used penguin cold caps right through . I had amazing results. I'd say I kept about 95% of my hair. My son is getting married and was hoping to keep my hair for that special day.
Original Message:
Sent: 02-26-2025 18:34
From: florence2022
Subject: Cold caps do they work to prevent hair loss?
Hello, I was diagnosed with HGSCC In July of 2022. After a successful surgery and a Stage 1C diagnosed I receive 6 cycles of Carbo and Taxel and was under control for 6 month.s.
The cancer metastasized in my pelvis and lungs, so I started another 6 rounds of Carbo and Dux. The tumors reduced well so we started another 6 cycles of Gem and Bev only to find out that the tumors are increasing again.
I with start another 6 cycles of Taxol and am not looking forward to loosing my hair again🥲Has anyone tried the cold cap to prevent hair loss?