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  • 1.  Cold caps do they work to prevent hair loss?

    Posted 15 days ago

    Hello, I was diagnosed with HGSCC In July of 2022. After a successful surgery and a Stage 1C diagnosed I receive 6 cycles of Carbo and Taxel and was under control for 6 month.s. 

    The cancer metastasized in my pelvis and lungs, so I started another 6 rounds of Carbo and Dux. The tumors reduced well so we started another 6 cycles of Gem and Bev only to find out that the tumors are increasing again.
    I with start another 6 cycles of Taxol and am not looking forward to loosing my hair again🥲Has anyone tried the cold cap to prevent hair loss?


  • 2.  RE: Cold caps do they work to prevent hair loss?

    Posted 15 days ago

    Hi I just finished 6 cycles of carbo and taxol. I used penguin cold caps right through . I had amazing results. I'd say I kept about 95% of my hair. My son is getting married and was hoping to keep my hair for that special day. 

  • 3.  RE: Cold caps do they work to prevent hair loss?

    Posted 14 days ago
    Thank you Taralee, that is very helpful information. Sending healing thoughts of support.
    Sent from my iPhone
    Lauren Persson

  • 4.  RE: Cold caps do they work to prevent hair loss?

    Posted 15 days ago

     Hi @florence2022 if you go to the Categories on the mainbar at the top of this page, and under Treatements & Side effects you should see a post thread from one of our Teal Sisters @Elgin55 who shared some great information on this topic. You could also type in the following in the search bar above and the thread should appear. @Elgin55 is in Ottawa who has a lot of information on this topic and did some amazing work to get funding for this type of support during chemo. I hope this helps.


    Scalp Cooling in Ottawa

  • 5.  RE: Cold caps do they work to prevent hair loss?

    Posted 14 days ago
    Thank you so much!🙏🩵
    Sent from my iPhone
    Lauren Persson

  • 6.  RE: Cold caps do they work to prevent hair loss?

    Posted 14 days ago

    Sounds good

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