Community Connection: Ovarian Cancer Canada is looking for volunteers! Could you help?

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Ovarian Cancer Canada is thrilled to share that we have some exciting updates on the way for OVdialogue. These enhancements are designed to strengthen our community and make your experience even better.

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  • Alwayslearning
    Alwayslearning Community Champion

    Hi @Sandi6 . Your dizzy spell sounds scary. I know I experienced dizziness at times during my chemo and have a few times over the last few weeks taking the Lynparza (Olaparib). There are however so many reasons someone can experience dizziness…dehydrated, low blood sugar, hunger, medication side effect etc. I'm sure you will but don't forget to mention all of this to your medical team. Do you have a "medical care hotline" you can call? If yes, perhaps call them. That's what they are there for. They may have advice/suggestions. Regardless, I'm glad you got a good sleep and are feeling better.

  • HorseGirl
    edited October 3

    @Sandi6 sorry to hear that you went through that! I don’t recall ever feeling like that, but I have definitely experienced light-headedness at times and blood pressure issues. I wonder if this was vertigo? Glad to hear that it sorted itself out and hoping it doesn’t happen again! When do you start the chemotherapy this time?

  • Good Morning @Sandi6 I thought I would check in to see how you are feeling these days. Any more dizziness?

    As many of the Teal Sister's have suggested, there could be many causes as to the why it happened. Main thing is, that you were able to be with someone, get somewhere safe and sleep it off (by the sounds of it). It may have been an overload for your system for the day and your body had enough. One can always check in with your team and tell them about your experience to see if they know why. In the meantime, I would suggest being aware and careful should you have it happen again.

    How is chemo going for you these days? How are you feeling in general?

    So glad the bowel issues have resolved themselves too. It is a relief for sure when they start working like they are supposed to.

  • @itzwhatever Thought I would check in to see how you are fairing out these days. Definitely there is more frequent urination when getting chemo and in fact I had an accident my first chemo day because of that. Quite embarassing but I am sure it happens to more than just me. Hope you are resting and riding out any symptoms that have creeped up these past few days. When is your next treatment?

    I mentioned before that I did get the port and was forever thankful for it. It sounds like you are leaning towards one and I think that is great. Just get your team to put it in motion and perhaps you will have it before your next treatment, one never knows. It made my life much easier having one and made the treatments more bearable as well. Wish you the best on this and let us know what happens.

    Take care of you in the meantime.

  • @mazupardo Thought I would check in to see how you are doing and seeing if I can help with your question.

    What do you mean by "asking for a second opinion?" What is it specifically you are wanting answers for? If this is the right treatment protocol for you based on what numbers are coming back at this time? Or are you waiting until your cycle is completed to ask what is next and where you are headed. I am fairly certain many ladies have their numbers fluctuate during their treatments. It looks like yours is staying under that magic number they have which is good news. There is no harm in asking any questions you have at any point in time with your team. For knowledge is power that can help to guide you as to what to do next. So, feel free to ask your team your questions and get the answers you feel you need. We will be here waiting should you want to share the answers or help in any way.

    I am thankful that you found our site and you are finding it beneficial to you as well. That is great. I hope to see you post and great if we can help you in any part of your journey. Good luck with your upcoming treatment and hoping you get your questions answered too.

    Take care

  • I did ask for that second opinion from my doctor. She said she was sending in a referral to PMH for their clinical trial unit because she said sometimes second opinions take the longest for them to see so she thought this would make it go a bit quicker!

    My CA 125 bumped up from 24 last time to 47 this time…so now it’s in the high range. I have my CT scheduled for the 11th so that’ll be able to give me better answers. She says I shouldn’t rely solely on those tumour markers so I’m trying not to freak out about it just yet lol.

    Oh fun! What concert?

    And how awesome that you’re going to Aruba!!! That’ll be so exciting! And such a well deserved vacation!

    I followed up on your post about resources and medical travel insurance…I ended up being able to be covered with mediquote and last night my fiance and I booked a three week vacation to Thailand…we’re leaving October 11th…after my CTA scan, so whatever result I get…I’ll just look when I get back I think. My doctor approved everything and she thinks it’s a great idea for me to go and enjoy myself so I’m very excited but a bit nervous about possibly getting sick! She prescribed me an inhaler for my breathing in case I needed it and she prescribed me some antibiotics too in case I needed that as well!

  • @mazupardo Your vacay sounds amazing and just what you need! I hope you enjoy yourself because that date is fast approaching and will be here before you know it! Go enjoy all it has to offer, make memories, take pictures and enjoy! The rest will be here waiting for you when you get back. In the meantime, focus on that trip and all the splendor I am sure it will give you!💕

  • @mazupardo it’s impressive that you’re going to Thailand! What an exciting adventure for your both! I have a couple friends who have gone, and they really enjoyed it.

  • Alwayslearning
    Alwayslearning Community Champion

    Hi @mazupardo …I'm glad the travel insurance information was helpful. MediQuote is also who I secured insurance from. Just make sure, as I'm sure you have, that you read the stability clause very carefully. You will undoubtably have an amazing trip. It's an area of the world I've never been to however have friends who just returned from there for their second time. I'm also so thrilled your doctor is so supportive of your travel. You need to live life right!

    We are going to see Mariannas Trench. My second favourite band and they are Canadian so that's also a plus (my favourite band is Train…have been to 13+ concerts, met the band multiple times, been on two cruises that are hosted by the band etc. Can you say groupy?! 😁)

    I understand the rationale related to when you look at your CT scan. My husband and I waited over two weeks to look at my last CT results/report. They were available to us but we both agreed there was nothing we could do in the two weeks leading up to the doctor appointment so we didn't want to spend the time stressed or overwhelmed if the results were not as we had hoped. We both read them as we were in the waiting area to see my Gyne Onc. They were good results. It is definitely a personal decision and I respect everyone's choices in that regard.

    If the Teal Sisters can help you prior to your trip, you know we are there. Regardless go enjoy yourself!!

  • hi everyone! Thanks for checking in on me :)) I got an picc placement on my left arm yesterday! Super relived as I have really sensitive veins and do not like being poked. My next treatment is on the 17th and I’m healthy enough to return to work virtually on Monday. I think I’m managing all the side effects really well! The only one that frazzled me this past week was actually folliculitis, I thought I was having an allergic reaction that I went to the er. Super glad it wasn’t !

    @sandi I actually have something similar where I get dizzy/ have a feeling I’m going to faint. I would say it’s getting better to me but even before the cancer diagnosis I was anemic. I called the nurse this week and they told me to do everything very slowly and drink tons of water

  • @itzwhatever thanks for sharing your thoughts. I think you’re right. It’s likely anemia. It’s strange though because I’m really out of it…very confused. You got a pic! I’m curious about this since I have weak veins that keep disappearing making blood work and chemo more difficult. No one has offered me one- not even at PMH.

    @Alwayslearning thanks for the info about insurance. We’re hoping to get away at some point, however, my oncology team wants me to wait. I’ll be dreaming of Thailand! 🇹🇭 Also love music and the concerts you’re going to are fantastic!

    I’ve been in the trial at PMH for almost 3 months now and my chemo is stable. Yahoo! I never thought I’d hear that! I was told I’d be gone by now and realize now why it’s best just to be positive about life, enjoy each day as much as possible and focus on the things I love to do and see.

    @mazupardo your trip sound amazing. I’m happy you have support to travel! Have an incredible time!

    @Strongwoman lovely poems you shared. I’m going to be looking for glimmers everywhere!

  • Hello beautiful Teal sisters,

    I have good news. My bowels are moving perfectly now! I’m still very fatigued and nauseous but I’m grateful to have this issue resolved. It’s such a delicate balance.

    I hope you’re all having a wonderful week. I have chemo tomorrow and then we’ll be home again. I haven’t been home this much in my entire life, but I’m really enjoying it. If I can get the energy, I want to create something for my family for Christmas. Something special for each, so I’m on Pinterest gathering ideas. I want to make a pendant from my grandmothers good silver for each of my nieces. I’ve been thinking a lot about legacy projects as well. I’m open to ideas from the group.

    Love reading your posts, everyone. Thanks so much for sharing your experiences.

    Take good care. Sandra 💕💕💕

  • @Sandi6

    So glad to hear the bowel issue is resolved!! I noticed you wrote this at 4 am!! Are you at PMH on Wed or Thurs for chemo? I am currently sitting in the waiting area for my first blood draw of the day and will be heading to chemo in a couple of hours.

    Sorry to hear you are experiencing the fatigue and nausea side effects. Are you able to manage the nausea with something? They gave me one nausea drug that totally knocked me out so I asked for and got an alternate that is better for me. I know fatigue is a common symptom but, in my case, due to some intermittent and unexplained fatigue and a a couple of my blood counts - I am borderline anemic - my Dr ran a B12 test and we discovered I’m down to half of normal. I will be picking up some B12 pills today and we’ll check my levels again in 3 weeks to see if it helps. Anyway…what I’m trying to say…while fatigue is a common side effect, don’t just consider it as “it is what it is” without a conversation with your Dr about potential causes that they may be able to be treat.
    Well my number is next 🤣…maybe our schedules will jive one day and we can do a quick meet and greet! All the best for your chemo this week. What cycle are you on now?

  • @Sandi6 How wonderful to have the bowels moving again as per normal. I hope that continues to be that way for you.

    Your plans for your special Legacy projects for Christmas sound beautiful and I am sure they will be. Making something with intent is a special endeavour and I find it is healing from the inside out. When I was done with my project, I wrapped them in plain packing paper then decorate it. I include a handmade card from Hospice with it and write a little note for the person it is intended for. It is very gratifying to see the gifts in my office done and ready to go. Knowing they will go to the person intended with no confusion. I wish you much imagination and intention as you create your Legacy projects for others. I found it very healing for myself and continue to forge on while I can. My next ones are creating an ornament for them that I hand make. I bought all the stuff last year and didn't get around to making them so this year plan on making that happen. Remember that whatever you create or come up with is right for you and those you love. There is no right or wrong when it comes to Legacy only making it your own and with meaning from yourself! 💕

  • @GloHo Will be thinking of you today as you sit through your treatment. Thank you for sharing your info on your fatigue and how the deduced where it was stemming from. Definitely something to keep in mind and/or ask a team about if someone is experiencing the same. Here is to hoping the B12 pills do make a difference for the next blood draw.

    Take care and hopefully any side effects you have today will be minimal!

  • @Sandi6 so relieved to hear that your bowels decided to cooperate. After my debulking surgery was when I experienced the most bowel issues. I learned to incorporate a regime during chemo and immunotherapy treatments to keep things moving. A legacy project with your grandmother’s silver sounds very intriguing…I’m sure you’ll decide on something special. Pendants sound lovely! Pinterest has so many creative ideas! Hoping that your nausea subsides soon. Sending hugs!🤗

  • @GloHo well I sure wish I’d read this sooner! I am just home from PMH after chemo today, and I would have loved a visit. I’m on a 21 day cycle of the EPOCH trial. Today I’m in week 2, and next week I have off. I’ll be back on October 21-23 if you’re there then, let’s chat. I have an anti nausea medication however they may try me on another one if symptoms persist.

    I’ve been experiencing anemia several times since diagnosis and am grateful to be monitored so closely now so I can keep on top of it, most of the time.

    I hope chemo went well for you today and you’re able to enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend 🍂🐦‍🔥🍁

  • @Strongwoman your blankets are gorgeous! Such talent! I’m sure they will be cherished forever by your loved ones. It’s been fun searching for the right project to leave for my peeps, and will share once I’m there. I love that you’ve wrapped up your gifts and have written homemade cards. They’ll be tough and beautiful to read, I’m sure.

    I started making Christmas decorations for all of my family and friends years ago, but now it’s been a long time since I’ve made anything. I’m going to make special ornaments this year if I have the energy.

    Happy creating and enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend. 🍁🍂🐦‍🔥

  • @HorseGirl thank you for the hugs! 🤗 I find that I’m much more loving and affectionate than ever these days, realizing how precious everyone is to me.
    im definitely going to continue with the protocol for the remainder of my treatment. Constipation is no fun!

    I love to create so I’m just hoping for the energy to get everything finished in time. I’ve been feeling so awful for about a month that I’ve decided not to decorate for Fall/Thanksgiving although we’re hosting! Decorating is one of my favourite things to do, so I’m saving up my energy to decorate fully for Christmas.🎄

    Hope you’re having a great week, and are able to enjoy this holiday weekend. 🍂🐦‍🔥🍁

  • Does anyone have any advice on sleep? My sleep schedule is so messed up. I’m awake most of the night, often falling asleep finally around 4 or 5, making it so difficult to wake up in the morning, and I often sleep until the afternoon. It seems that although I’m feeling tired 😴 and in need of sleep, I’m just not able to transition into sleep. 😴 I would appreciate any help you have.

    I hope you all enjoy your Thanksgiving weekend! Big hugs to all of you amazing women! 🤗💕🥰

  • Hey @Sandi6 I have been an insomniac from the time I was a kid. I had therapy, medication, sleep studies,you name it! About a year ago I started a routine that has worked for me. I have a set bedtime of 10:30 pm. I start my wind down routine at 9. All electronic devices are turned off including the TV, I have a warm bath with lavender scented epsom salts after which I climb in bed. I write in my journal sometimes just the three things I am grateful for that day then I read until lights out at 10:30. If I am having a hard time falling asleep I practice 4 count breathing which clears my mind. Breathe in for the count of 4, hold for a count of 4, breathe out for 4, hold for 4 then repeat. If I can’t get to sleep after half an hour I get up and go to the living room to read. When I start to feel tired it’s back to bed. I repeat this pattern as many times as I need to until sleep comes. It took a couple but for the first time ever I was falling asleep and staying asleep. Now it is just routine and I rarely make it to 10:30 before I’m ready for lights out. I think the key was no electronics and making sure my bedroom was set up just for sleep. A comfortable bed, soft sheets and warm blankets. I’m getting sleepy just thinking about it plus it’s 15 minutes past when my devices need to be turned off. Wishing you sweet dreams. We’ll chat tomorrow.

  • @Sandi6 I hear you on the sleeping. I had to end up speaking to my team about it. I now take a sleeping pill at night called Zoplicone (no hangover effect in the morning) and Lorazepam before bed. Both of these help to quiet my mind down at night. Lately I have been up watching TV at the wee hours of the morning but feel that is stress that has crept in as a deadline looms for us in the near future affecting our home life. I try not to think about it but know it creeps in anyways. Soon it will be over and things should return to normal.

    What @JoanEG has said about a bed time routine and screen time is also very important and useful information. For quite a few people it does work. Perhaps try something that suits your schedule and see if it helps you. If not, reach out to your team and see what they can come up with for you. Wishing you better sleeps in the nights to come. 🤗

  • Alwayslearning
    Alwayslearning Community Champion

    @Sandi6 I never thought I'd find it helpful but for when I've had sleeping issues, I've used the Calm APP. It contains stories, music, soundscapes etc. I found one gentlemen's voice is so soothing that it makes me very very sleepy. I've never made it past 10 minutes of one of his stories. There are also Podcasts for sleep. Hopefully you will find something that works just for you. Wishing you good sleep.

  • @Sandi6 I second @Alwayslearning the Calm App is a great tool!

  • @Sandi6
    Hoping our schedules may cross at some point.🤞My next clinic/chemo is Oct 29/30. If I’m reading your schedule correctly, that may put you in the chemo chair again that week? If that’s correct, maybe we can meet up on clinic day? I’m assuming you have to do blood and Dr the day before chemo? Let me know. Would be great to chat.
    My chemo went well but having a biopsy the following day was a bit much. I didn’t get to sleep off the effects of the pre-meds and didn’t sleep well the night before so was very tired going into biopsy. I opted for no sedation, only the local for the biopsy. I have been through it with no sedation before and I was fine plus I didn’t want to add more crap to my system when the other stuff hadn’t had time to move out! All went well…I am still a bit tired but coming around…my body is definitely not happy with me! I am home and have been resting today.

  • @GloHo glad to hear that you are back home and getting some much needed rest. It sounds like you managed to get through the biopsy okay, but that sounds like a lot right on the heels of a chemo treatment. What do you do to keep yourself occupied when back in chemotherapy treatments l?For me it was really weird, I was unable to read or watch TV…no focus. What I remember best is my heated blanket. Oh how I love that blanket!

  • @Sandi6 like you, I love fall decorating. I started tackling the outdoor stuff bit by bit. I replanted mums in my tall planters one day, another day I got pumpkins, and then I rehomed my porch ferns. Today was zinnia removal day, so I cut the dried heads off and pulled the rest of the plants up. Hosting Thanksgiving on Sunday, and started prepping yesterday! Made a NY cheesecake on Thursday; Friday I peeled and sliced carrots, prepared homemade cranberry sauce and chopped onions and celery for the dressing. Saturday I’m cooking the turkey a day in advance, and making gravy, and stuffing. I’m really big on crockpots so stuffing, potatoes and gravy will be in those. Phew! 😅

  • @Sandi6 as for sleep troubles, I too have struggled getting into a good routine. What has helped me is clonazepam, it’s in the benzodiazepine family. Works like Lorazepam but is long acting. It helps quiet my mind, and I drift off easier. In terms of your Christmas decorating, may I recommend you do it in stages? Bit by bit, one day at a time, little by little. Try and get some friends to come and help if possible. When I had chemo last year from September-December, I did all my Christmas shopping in September. I basically let my friends help, and it was done. Then a friend labelled and wrapped up everything by the first week of December as I basically lay in my lazyboy. Lol

  • @HorseGirl
    For me, Benadryl knocks me out…totally. They have to keep waking me when they want to let me know they’re changing chemo drugs or doing blood draws. For this trial, Benadryl is the go to pre-med and part of the trial protocol until cycle 3. I was able to negotiate half doses for cycle 2…but I get a dose before each chemo drug.,, and just don’t have enough time in the chair after the second dose to sleep it off!! Starting cycle 3, since I did not have any reaction at half dose, I will continue with that dose for the second infusion (required) but will no longer need the first dose. I will, of course, try to negotiate for an alternate. I just cannot function with Benadryl. I sleep…don’t eat…don’t drink…and that’s not something they should want a patient to go through! It is just so frustrating because I otherwise have energy and appetite…but this knocks me on my butt for a couple of days.

    I love your approach to getting things done. So common sense…yet not always easy to do. Not being able to get something done from beginning to end in one go has been one of the hardest things I have had to overcome and, even after 5 years, it still bugs me!! 🤣 We have to listen to our bodies and piecing things out is definitely the way to go without causing undue stress and fatigue on ourselves.

    Thanks for sharing your tips and tricks for getting Thanksgiving dinner prepped!