Community Connection: Ovarian Cancer Canada is looking for volunteers! Could you help?

OVdialogue – consider joining our team in the role of Community Champion. Over a few hours each week, you would be part of a team that helps connect people, support conversations and are thought leaders for OVdialogue. This is your opportunity to give back to those who have/continue to support you through the tough times, share your unique experiences, and help celebrate successes. For more details of what this entails, please reach out to @Mfallis (
Ovarian Cancer Canada is thrilled to share that we have some exciting updates on the way for OVdialogue. These enhancements are designed to strengthen our community and make your experience even better.

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Cancer Vaccine Research

Hi everyone,

After reading @Hooodith’s post (see below) as part of the Teal Thursday conversation, I was chatting with the OCC staff team and found some information you may be interested in taking a look at.

This was @Hooodith’s post from June 4th:

“Hello Teal Sisters

Have you read about the huge trial going on in the UK for a cancer vaccine? It is for any cancer ( that has already been identified, possibly treated,) They take your cancer cells and personalise a vaccine fof it, so that if it shows up again, your immune system will kill them. Based on the MRNA Covid vaccine. Thousands have signed up for it. It is being sponsored partly by the NHS.

It will be years before we know if it works, but its the most hopeful thing I have heard this week.”

You may be interested in:

Supported in part through Ovarian Cancer Canada’s OvCAN research initiative, Dr. Claude Perreault, and team, in Montreal has been researching the development of vaccines specifically tailored to combat ovarian cancer. You can find information about this research project by clicking here. This will take you to the project overview.

You can also find a technical article, published in the Current Oncology, an international, peer-reviewed open access journal, by clicking here.

To see the Ovarian Cancer Canada Research Showcase, that highlights this and other research happening, you can visit:


  • It seems that we're way behind what's going on in the UK! They're already in a massive cancer vaccine clinical trial, while it appears that we're still working at developing a vaccine in vitro.

  • Strongwoman
    Strongwoman Moderator

    As it can seem like that is the case at times, doesn't it. I think we are looking at 2 vastly different trials and vaccines. The one in UK seems to be looking at cancer in general no matter the type it is not specifically Ovarian Cancer. Whereas the one in Montreal seems to be targeted to Ovarian Cancer. Regardless, progress is progress no matter how fast or slow. One step forward or two steps in this case is better than none and I for one, will take it! Here is hoping either both or one of them prove fruitful in the not so distant future!

  • interesting to see that we all wait for the cancer vaccine. Montreal has just published pre-clinical data that means this may or may not forward into clinical trial. Moderna just came out with mRNA vaccine for melanoma. It says that the UK platform is aligned with BioNTech, but would this be a phase 2 study?

  • Strongwoman
    Strongwoman Moderator

    I am not sure if that is what that means @Tanja perhaps our @GloHo may know the answer to that as well.

  • Strongwoman
    Strongwoman Moderator

  • @Tanja @Strongwoman

    The vaccine currently being administered in the UK is identified as Phase 1/2.