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My journey with a food therapy

Hi everyone,

I have been diagnosed with recurrent Low grade serous OC, stage 3b. I have had many Surgeries, chemo, meds etc....and now, my oncologist said to me "there is nothing more we can do right now given the extent of the cancer in my peritoneum, no surgery at this time either..." so I looked at alternative treatment and settled on Gerson therapy.
I will go to a clinic in Mexico from April 13th to 28th, then follow the protocol of juicing and eating an organic plant based diet for 2 years , which will require up to 12 freshly pressed juices and 3 meals per day, 3 to 4 coffee enemas per day, and many supplements, ingesting 15 to 20 lbs of organic produce per week!

My oncologist gave me the green light to do this, so it's a go!

I will post my progress here, and can answer questions. If you want to know more about this therapy, go to 

Wish me luck!


  • Good luck @Sylviequebecbc, I will be following with avid interest.
    It sounds like a huge commitment, and I'm sending support as you give it a go. I sure hope it has the effect you are wanting.
  • @Sylviequebecbc
    Wow, what a commitment you've made and I'm so glad your oncologist has been engaged and supports the effort.  You hear of so many of these 'treatments' that are off the wall and often very expensive and only turn out to be a cash grab. 
    I am so hopeful for you that you have some positive results so I look forward to you documenting this journey for our members under this discussion stream.
    Bon chance mon amie   <3
  • To those who may be investigating alternative therapy please be reminded that OCC, our sponsor, and OVdialogue do not recommend engaging in alternative therapy without the support of your oncology team.  
  • Looking forward to the updates.  How do you 'follow' a post?
  • Good morning ladies!thanks for all the good wishes!

    @BellaDonna1959, I am not sure how to follow a discussion....would have to check this out! 

    I am getting ready for my trip to the Gerson Institute  in Tijuana,  just a few days away....I am getting excited, and nervous too. My family and friends have been very supportive, so important.

    I will post some news during my 2 weeks at the clinic,  whish me luck! 🤞
  • Good morning!

    I just arrived at the Tijuana Health Institute (Gerson clinic) this morning! 

    It is a cool morning but sunny. Everyone is very nice and friendly, blood work and vitals done then had my first breakfast and 2 juices. They also brought me a very nice basket of fruit. Will have my first consult with Dr Pedro soon, so I should know about my full program then. 
    Bye for now!
  • @sylviequebec
      You look good=not fatigued looking.
    How was the flight? Room look like? Facilities in general ( that you have seen thus far)?
      Wishing you a well rested sleep for your adventures tomorrow. <3
  • @Sylviequebecbc - sorry if you already posted this but what is the cost of your 14 days in Cad dollars?  I am very interested in this therapy down the road - can't wait to hear more. You look fantastic! 
  • BellaDonna1959
    edited April 2023
    @Sylviequebecbc I found the cost  - not horrible really.  Thanks.  Sounds really interesting.  I am following mostly vegetarian and doing the juicing but I think a program like this would be a great help overall with the additional therapies.  I see you have to bring a companion?
  • @BellaDonna1959
    it is nice to have a companion but it is not mendatory. There is a women here who came alone, but if you can bring a companion, no additinal cost for that which is great!

  • @Sylviequebecbc
      Hope your consult went well. In reading your posts do some individuals on this journey go through some mental/emotional stages associated with the physical treatment?  Is that why perhaps a recommendation for a companion? Curious is all. I believe it is quite intensive therapy initially before getting to the maintenance part....kindly correct if this an incorrect statement.
  • @Strongwoman
    Emotions can bubble up, but at the same time, I am so happy to be here, feels right.  Everyone is so friendly and professional, the food is sooo good! I drink 8 juices per day, 2 IV treatmentsNd 2 coffee enemas (not as bad as i thought!) And 3 meals, i am definetly not going to starve!
    And the companion is here for support and learn about the therapy so they understand how to help when back home. 💕
  • Hola !
    Day 8 here, now drinking 11 juices per day and doing well. The enemas are becoming a normal part of the day, now 3 per day. When I get home, likely will drink 12 or 13 juices per day and have 4 enemas, my Doctor here will discuss this with me before I leave. 
    They take such good care of us, really love it here. The doctors ( MDs) are so helpful and meet daily with their patients. I feel so blessed to be here! 
    Can't believe it's already been a week! Time flies...
  • @Sylviequebecbc
    This reporting is so interesting.  I thank you for sharing your journey at the clinic. 

    A reminder to our gals. Sylviequebecbc consulted with her oncology team before entering this alternative therapy. As should always be the rule about initiating a treatment outside the normal standard of care, ensure your medical support is onside and also kept informed.

    Wishing you a successful journey gal.  You look marvellous and sound so enthused and upbeat.  
  • I'm very interested in your experience.  Is there a beach there?  Is it warm enough to enjoy it? Other than the enemas and juices - what else do they have for you? What is in the IV cocktail?  Do they do tests before & after to measure any gains?  I'm very curious as to the results of all of these therapies.  I am very open to alternative stuff in addition to my doctor prescribed therapy. 

  • @Sylviequebecbc I meant to ask you who provided your health insurance?  I am thinking of traveling later this year, thanks. 

  • @Sylviequebecbc
      Sounds like you are enjoying the time and experience of your chosen therapy. So happy for you. Making the choice and doing are two totally different things. How is your companion doing with all the info and experience of the therapy? Sounds like the medical team is very attentive and involved daily in your treatment. 
     With one week complete and one more to go, how are you feeling about going home and doing this solo (companion not excluded in this statement).  Have there been any new or recurring emotional/mental aspects to this journey?
      I am positive your team there sets you up for success at home. Looking forward to your upcoming posts along the way.
    Take care
  • @BellaDonna1959 to answer your questions: yes the beach is only 3 short blocks away, we take a walk there every day. The neighborhood is middle class and safe. At the moment, the weather is warmer than at home, my husband enjoyed a swim in the ozone filtered pool they have here the other day! 

    Other than the juices (now 11 a day) and coffee enemas (now 3 a day), I get one IV treatment per day consisting of Vitamin C and B17 (laetrile). B17 is a compound found in apricot seeds. 

    When I arrived here, I had a physical exam and a very comprehensive blood test. My therapy was based on that plus all the info I sent prior to come. After a week, I had another blood test. When I am back home, I will have monthly video meeting with my MD from here and monthly blood test. 

    As for insurance, my insurance does not cover this. I am lucky to have a sponsor to help us. 

    @Strongwoman we are leaving this clinic in 3 days, I am sad to go! But having spent a month preparing at home before coming, and all the information we received here, I feel we are ready to continue this for the duration. It will be challenging at first, but our experience here is preparing us. 

    This clinic has been here for more than 30 years, and thousands of people have been helped, so many remission lasting years! They have kept all of their records from the beginning, it is all available for any inquisition.  DR Gerson was truly a visionary and a great man. His daughter Charlotte is the one who continued her father's work after he passed suddenly in 1957 or 1958. She opened the clinic in Tijuana, their main offices are in San Diego. You can watch some of her talks on YouTube. 

    A good documentary to watch:
    What the health? ( on netflix)
    A beautiful truth
    The food cure ( on apple tv)

  • Sounds wonderful~! Thanks for all the details.  I'm very interested. 
  • Already last day here, we leave in the morning.  I already feel more energetic and my brain fog has lifted. The adventure continues! 
  • @Sylviequebecbc safe travels home and wishing you continued success with the treatment.  We'll all be looking for your next updates.  Thank you for continuing  to share this journey with us.  

  • Fascinating stuff. I wish you all the success and a long and fulfilling life :) 
  • Food looks great - glad you are feeling well.  Did you see any positive changes in your blood or other tests or is it too soon?  So glad you enjoyed it and found it so beneficial.  
  • I'm assuming many here have read Kelly A. Turner's Radical Hope and Radical Remission. Interesting stuff. I am a practical person so science based is my normal go to, but I am open to other aspects. Balance is important. 
  • Strongwoman
    Strongwoman Moderator
      Good Morning!  Today is a very rainy/wet snow kind of day out.  I have pastry chilling in the fridge and just finishing up the filling for chicken pot pie.
      How are you managing with all of your new knowledge now that you have returned home and have had some time to settle in?  I hope well and that there are continued supports for you if you are experiencing any hiccups.
    Take care
  • @Sylviequebecbc welcome home.  So many of us are interested in your experience and, of course, measurable results.  Will your care team here be doing the traditional testing (CA 125,  CT, etc) to establish any changes since you left for the treatment?  Will you be comfortable sharing those with group, whether positive or negative? Will your oncologist continue to endorse this as an alternative option when all traditional options are no longer viable?
  • Good afternoon everyone,
    I have been home for 1 week and I am able to follow the gerson therapy! Keeps me busy every day, but I am getting more and more organized so it feels ok! 

    I do enjoy my juices and meals, the "coffee break" are now easier. I will have blood tests every month, followed by a video conference with my Gerson Doctor, so will have my CA125 tested from time to time. My next PET scan should happen in 3 or 4 months, I will keep you all updated! 

    Here is a picture of my lunch today:

  • @Fearless_Moderator sorry for the late reply! I don't know yet if my oncologist will be ok with my natural healing in the future after the results of my next scan...which is on October 10th. Will keep you updated! 
  • Strongwoman
    Strongwoman Moderator
      Hello, just touching base to see how you are doing.  Making meals etc becoming more routine and easier than when you first came home?  How are you feeling in general since before you started this til now? 
      Re: your comment to @Fearless_Moderator, I would hope your Oncologist would support it as I believe from your posts and our combined research on LGSC, there are no more options for us. I know you were taken off both the Letrozole and Trametinib.  Currently there does not seem to be any other trials coming up as of yet for us.  My hope is the your Oncologist will continue to monitor, test and support your new journey and utilize that information for "tools in their toolbox" for any future patients in the same position. Who knows.  I wish you well and will look forward to your updated posts and any subsequent results.
    Take care