Community Connection: Ovarian Cancer Canada is looking for volunteers! Could you help?

OVdialogue – consider joining our team in the role of Community Champion. Over a few hours each week, you would be part of a team that helps connect people, support conversations and are thought leaders for OVdialogue. This is your opportunity to give back to those who have/continue to support you through the tough times, share your unique experiences, and help celebrate successes. For more details of what this entails, please reach out to @Mfallis (
The new OVdialogue experience is only days away! Here’s what the updated platform will offer you as a valued member of our peer-to-peer community:
• A personalized experience, just for you: your member homepage displays the content you engage with most, including a resource library where you can engage in discussions directly related to the content.
• Have conversations in real time: You can respond to notifications and personal messages from people in your community directly from your email inbox; plus it’s easier than ever to return to the platform.
• Stay up to date on the latest events: upcoming activities will be listed in an events calendar right here in the platform
During this time of transition, private messaging within the platform will be unavailable beginning January 22, and posting will be unavailable beginning January 27.
We look forward to seeing you in the refreshed platform!

How Can I Help? Elly Mayday

Hello Ladies! 

You may or may not be familiar with my work but I have been public with my stage 3 diagnosis at 25. 
At that time I was just beginning my career as a model and decided to use my voice and platform to help bring light to the 
disease and the women facing it. I'm so proud to represent all the strong individuals I've met along the way. 
Please know I am so fueled by your love, support and the strength you all embody. 

My question is, where can I help you? What are some questions you have for me, what can I bring attention to in a broader sense? 
What topics would you like to see online both on the OvCa Canada site/social as well as mine. 
Just trying to support you as you have me.

Love the feed back and any discussions here will help me create content! 
Thank you <3 


  • Hello @EllyMayday - glad you have joined the site!
  • Hi @EllyMayday , I'm glad you have joined this Canadian online community, specific to oc. With your wide reaching social presence, perhaps more women will find their way to this community, and add it to their list of supports. If you can include the link in your tweets/messages etc, I think that would be a great way to help many women. The more support the better. Thank you for all that you have chosen to do to bring awareness to this disease, and to help women living with it. All the best to you in your own journey!
  • Thanks Jane, appreciate the message. I am happy to share the page. Im working with OCC’s social manager a bit more so I can create content to draw attention. Posting just a link gets such fewer views than posting with say a video or photo. 

    I guess I’d like to know what topics would you want me to speak about?Specific to when you’re diagnosed, going through treatment or adjusting back to life. 
  • I'm not sure, just by looking at how many topics have been started on this site, there is a wide variety of areas of interest. I suppose the ones with the most comments: recurrence, chemo / surgery advice, anxiety, fertility. 
  • Hi @EllyMayday!  Welcome to OVdialogue!  I'm sorry that my response to you is so tardy!  Lovely to see you on OVdialogue and offering to promote it on your site and to talk about topics of interest to survivors.  There are some great discussions happening - top ones seem to be anxiety, recurrence and exercise based on the number of views.  Cross-pollination sounds great!  How are you doing?  Back in NY?
  • Hey Marilyn, Thanks for the advice. Yes, back in NYC and I'm doing well. Looking forward to the year ahead. Hope you're well, excited to start some good discussions on my page for OCC. 
  • Hi @EllyMayday! I've been doing alot of reading and research since being diagnosed this past January (2018). Thank you for being such a wonderful advocate for OVC & being so open. I see I am late to this thread but would just love to see more content that is angled towards those of us who are young adults living with ovarian cancer. It is so hard to find sites or events that are specifically for this audience (20-40yr olds)- but there seem to be many of us out there, so many more than I expected (sadly).  The OVC journey is so much diff than other cancers I just don't find myself finding anything to relate to other than the very few OVC online boards. Thanks so much!  <3
  • Afab
    edited April 2018
    Oh also, was wondering if you (or anyone else that might read this post) had an idea if the LadyBall would be returning to Toronto? I'm so surprised they aren't throwing the event here. I do hope they return the event for more fundraising opportunities in the future  :) 
    Thank you!!
  • Hi @EllyMayday! I've been doing alot of reading and research since being diagnosed this past January (2018). Thank you for being such a wonderful advocate for OVC & being so open. I see I am late to this thread but would just love to see more content that is angled towards those of us who are young adults living with ovarian cancer. It is so hard to find sites or events that are specifically for this audience (20-40yr olds)- but there seem to be many of us out there, so many more than I expected (sadly).  The OVC journey is so much diff than other cancers I just don't find myself finding anything to relate to other than the very few OVC online boards. Thanks so much!  <3
  • Hi @Afab Thanks for your question about the LadyBall.  This has been a very popular event in Toronto - called "Love Her" prior to "The LadyBall".  It has been running for many years and the volunteer committee that organizes this event in conjunction with Ovarian Cancer Canada decided to take a break this year.  We know people have been disappointed but stay tuned for what might develop next year! 

    Anyone can organize a fund raising event in support of Ovarian Cancer Canada.  If you are interested in doing this, let me know or get in touch with your Regional Director.

    I also know that it can be hard for younger women who are diagnosed with ovarian cancer.  There are different issues and challenges that you can face based on your age.  We have a webinar we did specifically for younger women - you can find it in the list of our past webinars here:

    There are other women in OVdialogue who were diagnosed at younger ages.  Perhaps you can connect with them to share stories:  @Adnamarama @jemgirljeri @jiselle16 @BrittMK @K_BrancOV @MarieRocks @Teddybear @sallyL  @GreenEyes  

    There is also an organization called Young Adult Cancer Canada.  You may find some helpful information there.
  • I've created a community called #OneHellOvaWoman on Facebook. There you can connect with other women, Some dealing with Ovarian cancer and some not. A mix of wonderful women around the world! 
  • MarilynOCC
    edited March 2019
    Hi everyone,
    Elly Mayday was an amazing young woman and a powerful and tireless advocate for ovarian cancer.  In May 2017, she received the Justine Greene Award to honour her for her efforts in this field.  This was presented at Ovarian Cancer Canada's Love Her Gala in Vancouver.  Sadly, Elly Mayday died on March 2, 2019.  Here is the post from her family on her official fan page.

    "Elly Mayday's given name was Ashley Shandrel Luther.  She was born on April 15, 1988 in Saskatchewan, Canada.  Ashley was deeply loved by her family in Canada and in Germany.

    Ashley was a country girl at heart who had a passion for life that was undeniable.  She dreamed of making an impact on people's lives.  She achieved this through the creation Elly Mayday which allowed her to connect with all of you.  Her constant support and love from her followers held a special place in her heart.

    Ashley passed away on Friday, March 1 at 5:14pm.  You all inspired Ashley and we hope she did the same for you.  
    Love and light, Ashley's loving family"

    She will be missed.

  • Thank you again for posting @Marilyn
    Yes, still sad and feeling the loss - sure do miss you @EllyMayday
    Will be thinking of her especially on World Ovarian Cancer Day MAY 8
  • I will miss her presence. She instagrammed her last hospitalization and she really shed a light on all that ovarian cancer can do. An amazing woman ❤
  • I was so moved by her passion and honesty and it was so sad to hear of her passing.  So young ❤️