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Sunnybrook or PMH

Hello everyone,
this is directed to people who received treatment in Toronto,Ontario. I met with Dr Covens at Sunnybrook, and waiting for a second opinion at Princess Margaret. I will need a BSO hysterectomy and prolapse repair. This means coordinating oncology and urogynecology. I heard from several patients and gynaecologist friends the team at PMH is amazing. However, I feel like I’m living with a ticking time bomb , which may be at an earlier stage and I need to have surgery as soon as possible regardless of my comfort level with the surgeon.  Not sure if there are others here who have experience with both centres and can offer any advice. 


  • Fearless_Moderator
    HI @SigaYou've found yourself in the best possible situation; needing to choose between two first class cancer centers. 

     I was originally diagnosed and treated at PMH but eventually transferred to complete my chemo and then for surveillance and ongoing treatment to Kingston because of it's proximity to my home.  That said, my experience with PMH was excellent, even though some of the services are managed through other hospitals in the University Health Network there.  My surgical oncologist was at PMH but surgery was done at Toronto General, but by him and his team.  There was a minor concern about my heart and that was managed through Toronto Western.  But even though differing locations, the way everything was managed made me still feel fully connected to PMH all the way.  

    I can't comment on Sunnybrook as a patient but Dr Covens was one of several who filled in at the KGH cancer center a few years ago when we lost most of our gynecological oncologists.  He actually was the first to spot the possibility of a recurrence and organized all testing to confirm it's presence.  I quite liked his very straight forward, matter of fact approach and were he not just a temporary resource to us I would have been very comfortable to have had him assume management of my condition. 

    We do have many members here who have experienced PMH and Sunnybrook although not sure if any have experienced both and can do a comparative for you.  But regardless, as they see your discussion topic I'm sure you'll have more input to help with your decision. 

    Regardless of which you choose I'm confident you'll be in great hands and wish you the best. Please continue to reach out to us wherever we can be of assistance.  And, if you haven't already, I encourage you to order the booklet By Your Side from Ovarian Cancer Canada. It's an excellent guide for those newly diagnosed.


  • Siga
    Thank you so much for your reply. I appreciate all the information and support! Still waiting to be seen at PMH hopefully soon. Definitely difficult to wait when you want to be proactive and get through this! It is comforting to know there are other brave survivors to offer advice, kind words, and positive vibes!
  • Hello @Siga I also received my diagnosis and treatment thru PMH.  I too had my surgery at Toronto General (UHN) with my PMH team.  I cannot say enough good things about PMH, their care, their treatment etc.   World class.  We are lucky to have this here in Toronto.  I had Dr May and I believe her to be one of the best in this field.  With this unfortunate diagnosis I feel extremely lucky to have had such good care and continue to be followed by them closely.

    I had not had any experience with Sunnybrook.    I wish you all the best with your surgery and recovery.