Community Connection: Ovarian Cancer Canada is looking for volunteers! Could you help?
OVdialogue – consider joining our team in the role of Community Champion. Over a few hours each week, you would be part of a team that helps connect people, support conversations and are thought leaders for OVdialogue. This is your opportunity to give back to those who have/continue to support you through the tough times, share your unique experiences, and help celebrate successes. For more details of what this entails, please reach out to @Mfallis (
OVdialogue – consider joining our team in the role of Community Champion. Over a few hours each week, you would be part of a team that helps connect people, support conversations and are thought leaders for OVdialogue. This is your opportunity to give back to those who have/continue to support you through the tough times, share your unique experiences, and help celebrate successes. For more details of what this entails, please reach out to @Mfallis (
The new OVdialogue experience is only days away! Here’s what the updated platform will offer you as a valued member of our peer-to-peer community:
• A personalized experience, just for you: your member homepage displays the content you engage with most, including a resource library where you can engage in discussions directly related to the content.
• Have conversations in real time: You can respond to notifications and personal messages from people in your community directly from your email inbox; plus it’s easier than ever to return to the platform.
• Stay up to date on the latest events: upcoming activities will be listed in an events calendar right here in the platform
During this time of transition, private messaging within the platform will be unavailable beginning January 22, and posting will be unavailable beginning January 27.
We look forward to seeing you in the refreshed platform!
• A personalized experience, just for you: your member homepage displays the content you engage with most, including a resource library where you can engage in discussions directly related to the content.
• Have conversations in real time: You can respond to notifications and personal messages from people in your community directly from your email inbox; plus it’s easier than ever to return to the platform.
• Stay up to date on the latest events: upcoming activities will be listed in an events calendar right here in the platform
During this time of transition, private messaging within the platform will be unavailable beginning January 22, and posting will be unavailable beginning January 27.
We look forward to seeing you in the refreshed platform!
Years without recurrence
I am halfway through chemo and it would be great to hear some stories about women who did not have a recurrence. I was high grade serous stage 2. Although I know that recurrence is a definite possibility I also need to know that it could be gone for good. Thanks
Thanks that is helpful0
Unfortunately I'm not one of that team myself, but I can tell you that prior to Covid I belonged to a local support group of about 12 or so survivors. Of those gals three were survivors of over 25 years; one actually had her 30th anniversary just before she shut down our meetings because of Covid. Beyond them, one member celebrated her fifth year and is now seven years without recurrence and two, both stage 3C like me and diagnosed the same year I was, are still without recurrence five years later. So that represents about half our group. Statistically unique perhaps but it does give hope, even to those diagnosed in advanced stages, that cure is a distinct possibility given advances in treatment the past few years.
Good luck....and best wishes.2 -
Thank you that does help as do the stories of people who are finding options for a recurrence. Hoping that things go well for you.1
Lynne, I was diagnosed with Stage A in spring of 2020, large 20 cm tumor right ovary, just starting to impact fallopian tube. Had complete hysterectomy, no debulking, no BRCA markers. 6 rounds of carbo /taxol completed Nov /20. I go quarterly for check ups and so far so good. I have read - and they are older stats - that a Stage 2A candidate has only a 30% reoccurrence rate or less on average. I cannot function thinking the worst case/negative thoughts so I am living with the mindset that I thankfully caught it earlier than most and will live a long life. Of course that if and when a reoccurrence happens, I will be crushed but in the meantime, I have a life to live. Hope chemo treatments go well for you.1
Thank you for sharing. I am trying to think along the lines that I had cancer and it's gone (going). Can I ask what the check up involves because my oncologist says that he doesn't do any. He just waits for symptoms. Thanks again1
My oncologist sees me quarterly for first two years, then twice a year for next two the annually last one I think. Then i think you self monitor. She does internal, checks my lymph nodes at neck and groin and inquires about any changes to bowels. I get my CA bloodwork done the day before and she also provides the result when I see her. CA each time was optional as not always complete indicator but for now, I want to see know. I had really vague symptoms so for me, it would be hard to know what symptoms I should be reporting. If it wasn't for COVID forcing me to slow down and work from home last March, I would have ignored for sure and would have been in far worse position . I am grateful.1
I was also very fortunate that I followed up on what I thought was ibs. I have an appointment with my oncologist next week so this is helpful. Thank you and sending positive thoughts.1
Final comment as I don't really get on and say much on this site...while I was having treatment for hours, alone with my thoughts, I developed such an appreciation for what is really a sub culture of people of all ages with all types of cancers getting treatment. Although I know cancer is a hugely prevalent disease, I was quite oblivious to what goes on in my case, CVH, each and every day. When I walked out of my final treatment in Nov it was dark, I was one of few people remaining in the unit. With COVID in full swing then and limited night staff in the hospital, it was almost eerie. The first few treatments I could not wait for it to be all over, then when it was, it was the strangest feeling.3
It is an amazing community in many ways0
It took a long time for the 'cancer mindset' to ease for me. It occupied every minute of my day (and sleepless nights) when I was going through treatment. Then all of a sudden, I was on my own and separation anxiety creeps in. We are so used to appointments and treatments then BAM...nothing. I saw the oncologist quarterly for the first two years. Had bloodwork done, physical exam and symptom questionnaire. The next two years were every four months and the six month intervals until the end of year five, which is October 2021 for me. Bloodwork done every time, but not always a physical or symptom inquiry. I also had genetic testing done for breast, colon and ovarian cancers after I finished chemo. I was negative for each and that greatly reduced my cancer anxieties. My ovarian cancer was a fluke, apparently. BUT it just means I'm just not genetically predisposed, I could still get them.I found a local support group which helped tremendously. The inception of OVDialogue connected me with ovarian cancer patients. It was, and continues to be, a game changer!5