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Best time to take Zejula

Hi everyone, I am currently taking 200 mg of the Zejula  at 11 o’clock in the morning. Is there a better time to be taking this medication.  I end up having insomnia and some of the other effects that other people have mentioned nausea, loss of appetite  and fatigue. In your experience is taking it closer to evening a better time.


  • Hi .... I started Zejula Dec31.   I had read suggestion to take at bedtime if nausea was a problem. I figured, why not just take it in the evening (vs potential suffer daytime nausea).  I opted for 8pm.  Have not had nausea.  Noticed increase in hot flashes but nothing unmanageable.  No loss of appetite.  Hard to know if fatigue and joint pain is related to Zejula or post chemo.  I do have some insomnia, which I have a presc for..I don’t need to take every night, and some nights I love staying up past midnight (after 30 years of having to be up at 5am for retired).   
    My dose is 300mg.  
    The 8pm also worked well for me when clocks went forward.  I talked with the Bayshore Pharmacist how to adjust to the time change, taking it a earlier in 15 min intervals over the course of 3? 4? days.    
    I hope this helps
    Keep moving forward! 
  • Thanks I’m currently off of my dose right now as my blood levels have gone down. They are going to start me after the blood works recover back to more normal levels. I’m going to be put back on at 100 mg. Thanks for your help I think I will be trying the nighttime schedule schedule.
  • I know there are other threads in ovdialogue regarding Zejula, if you havnt already scrolled through them, maybe some info there.  Also the Teal Thursday chat group starts at 1pm (Est) and maybe that would be a good place to also ask?  
  • Thanks for all your help.