Community Connection: Ovarian Cancer Canada is looking for volunteers! Could you help?

OVdialogue – consider joining our team in the role of Community Champion. Over a few hours each week, you would be part of a team that helps connect people, support conversations and are thought leaders for OVdialogue. This is your opportunity to give back to those who have/continue to support you through the tough times, share your unique experiences, and help celebrate successes. For more details of what this entails, please reach out to @Mfallis (

Calling Teal Sisters across Canada. - Volunteers Still Needed

Fearless Legacy
edited October 2021 in Encouragement and Support
It's been exciting to see the growth of our OVdialogue community these past few months as more and more survivors across the country have become aware of us.  Always on the look out for ways to better support all of you, and in the spirit of our peer led community,  we are implementing a team we will call our Community Champions to assist me in ensuring you get the most fulsome support possible..  As you know, health systems differ by province, sometimes even within each province.  Locally there are support groups and services that may be available locally but fly under the radar screen of myself and OCC.  And timely acknowledgement of each new post is becoming difficult to achieve for me alone.  

Last year we conducted a very quiet pilot of this function with a skeleton group of volunteers; a few having committed to continuing to represent their communities:
  • "walkabout" in BC,
  • "Bluebird" in AB, 
  • "Countryliving" and "Jiselle16" in ON
and I will continue to support nationally. 
Today, I'm reaching out for volunteers who would be interested in a more committed role supporting our members in MAN, SASK, PEI, NB, NS, NFLD and QUE (English speaking community), although we would also welcome interest from anyone in BC and AB and ON. 

The commitment we ask is a minimum of only 1 hour per week; more only if you have the interest and capacity. There will be an orientation session and occasional all-team check-ins, likely no more than an hour quarterly. But your personal capacity to engage will always be respected.  Some basic knowledge of the workings of your provincial health system, and local resources would be very helpful. 

If you have an interest in exploring the opportunity, please reach out to me either here or in private message for further detail and pressure. 

Many thanks, in advance, for considering joining our volunteer team....,

Fearless (Kathi)


  • @Fearless - Vol Mod I would like to learn more! 
  • @Sylviequebecbc
    Wonderful. I'll get back to you on Monday and set something up for us to chat.  
  • @Sylviequebecbc
    Hi Sylvie, 
    I sent you a private message but suspect you missed it so.....Wonderful to hear you might be interested in getting more involved in OvD. Let's set up a time to chat on the phone about the Community Champion work. I'm in Ontario so EST.  I know you're in BC so I'm available anytime from 8am your time to 2pm your time.  I'm tied up tomorrow (Sunday) but available Monday, Wednesday and Friday, anytime from 9am to 2pm your time, Let me know what works best for your schedule and your contact info and I'll confirm back. 
    My direct contact info:
    In the meantime, I've attached a draft model for the role. It may look like a lot but really isn't.  We can talk through it when we chat and answer any questions you might have so you can make an informed decision on whether you want to join us or not.  Like I said, no pressure. 
  • My first open call brought us our newest Community Champion, Annie1950 who hails from the GTA.  So thankful to have her join us and she's already jumped in with both feet, far more than is expected but so grateful for the help.

     But we still have huge gaps in coverage to support our members, especially in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Quebec, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland &Labrador, and of course  the Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Yukon.

    Gals, it's not a lot of work or big commitment but it is very rewarding.  Please think about engaging with our community in support of your teal sisters.  I'm happy to connect to discuss the role in more detail, no obligation on your part.   
  • Welcome @Annie1950 as a Community Champion!