Community Connection: Ovarian Cancer Canada is looking for volunteers! Could you help?

OVdialogue – consider joining our team in the role of Community Champion. Over a few hours each week, you would be part of a team that helps connect people, support conversations and are thought leaders for OVdialogue. This is your opportunity to give back to those who have/continue to support you through the tough times, share your unique experiences, and help celebrate successes. For more details of what this entails, please reach out to @Mfallis (

Teal Tuesdays - Live Online Chat! (Discontinued indefinitely)



  • Flowergirl
    Today I am tired of winter
    trying to keep on with the yoga
    how about you?
  • Been getting my sweat on by shovelling lol. Plus side is the kids I look after have been spending tons of time inside!
  • Flowergirl
    Fresh air is great!
    I missed the genetics webinar - it should be posted as recorded soon.
    The next one is March 15 and registration is open.
    I also found some surveys I'll post soon
  • Flowergirl
    Wondering how everyone is doing - quiet night 
    Hello @red1976 @Kitty @Quiltmama @midcanada if you are around this evening
  • It would be interesting to hear I'm looking forward to it 
  • Flowergirl
    HI @birdee - thanks for stopping in - how are your tonight?

  • Flowergirl
    Good evening everyone!

  • Good evening!
  • Flowergirl
    Hello and how are you doing @terrylee?

    Welcome @SunshineC if you are around this evening we are here to support you.
  • Good thank you @Flowergirl and you?
    Been a long and exhausting week both physically and mentally for some reason.
  • Hi @SunshineC welcome! Hope you are having a better day.
  • Flowergirl
    Feeling the same @terrylee - looking for motivation - trying to stay with the whole gratitude and finding positive vibes
  • Flowergirl
    A few new topics around our site - hope to meet up with you all again on: 
    Tuesday March 20 at 7:00 CST 
  • @Flowergirl @terrylee @red1976 Thank you for your greetings! Sorry, I was not able to join yesterday.

    Yes, I had a better day yesterday. I was very sad, anxious, and was not able to accept the fact. But I have realized that this doesn't help me and also people around me. I am not the only one, everyone has some kind of issues. I feel much happier now by surrounded myself with positive people. Have a good day!
  • Flowergirl
    Hello everyone - @SunshineC, @red1976, @Quiltmama hope you are doing well today.
    Hi @terrylee - thanks for stopping by - how was everyone's week? 
  • Flowergirl
    Hi @midcanada and @jsullivan33 - looks like we may have a party here tonight! ;)
  • Good evening @flowergirl and everyone

  • midcanada
    Flowergirl and@terrylee ,
    It's spring!!   Such a welcome time even if we are getting  light snow.
    I had a good day..... positive results from a CT scan done today and a lovely lunch out with family, 
  • Flowergirl
    Spring is around the corner - although there were sprinkles of wet snow a few minutes ago - 
    What are you most looking forward to or hopeful for... I really am ready for the snow to go... looking forward to hearing and seeing all the birds come back!
  • midcanada
    I have been dreaming about gardening.....I ordered and received my special lettuce seeds already . Didn't think I would be here for planting this year!
  • Flowergirl
    I can relate @midcanada - my mind goes there as well and when I think that- I always try to counter it with

    lettuce is great because it grows so fast and you can have multiple growings - I saved some of last years seeds. 

  • midcanada
    Love that quote.
  • Flowergirl
    Me, too! - I think I am going to do some art work/therapy and put it on something so I can see it every day!

    Well, another hockey night so I'm off... thanks everyone for our meet up tonight - so nice to have a little group...hope you all have a great week and see you back here
    Tuesday March 27 @ 7:00 PM CST 
    and around the site!
  • jsullivan33
    probably too late to join the “party” but here I am in lovely Oaxaca, Mexico drinking up the sun and warmth that Ottawa couldn’t serve up! Word of advice: don’t have great expectations about energy and holiday making when you take your first holiday post chemo. Just go with your flow, make sure to rest a lot, and appreciate the things that you can...! Nice to join in with you, ladies, have a great week.
  • @Flowergirl sorry i missed it. Tuesdays are my treatment days and i am zonked after. Theyve changed me to every 4 weeks because of my 2 delays for low counts. Really bummed about it. 

    Had my first in person support group. It was for mom's travelling thru a cancer journey. It was so so awesome to connect with them. Truly helped my soul.
  • Flowergirl
    Good evening everyone - welcome to the site and I hope you can all feel that spring is in the air!
    We are on the chat if you are around tonight @red1976 @jsullivan33 @terrylee @Quiltmama @midcanada @birdee
  • Flowergirl
    Good evening everyone - welcome to the site and I hope you can all feel that spring is in the air!
    We are on the chat if you are around tonight @red1976 @jsullivan33 @terrylee @Quiltmama @midcanada @birdee
  • Hi there @Flowergirl how was your week?

  • Quiltmama
    Hi everyone!! I'm tired of winter too and I'm pretty sure my cancer is back 😠
  • Flowergirl
    @CurlyHair @sunshine1122 @Courtenay, @Afab @cdot @JaneWest @jemgirljeri - we are on the chat if you are around to join us!

    Hi @terrylee - week so far was ok - sun is shining here and I really like that it stays light out longer - how are things for you?

     I met with my in person support group this week - love that small supportive group - they get you-and it is a time set aside for processing everything.