Community Connection: Ovarian Cancer Canada is looking for volunteers! Could you help?

OVdialogue – consider joining our team in the role of Community Champion. Over a few hours each week, you would be part of a team that helps connect people, support conversations and are thought leaders for OVdialogue. This is your opportunity to give back to those who have/continue to support you through the tough times, share your unique experiences, and help celebrate successes. For more details of what this entails, please reach out to @Mfallis (

Teal Tuesdays - Live Online Chat! (Discontinued indefinitely)



  • Flowergirl
    Hello @Bluebird... I am hoping the webinar series will become more engaging or some special event type Zoom meetings will happen at some point. Perhaps in the new year as I suspect any in person conferences, support group survivor sessions, etc are a long way away. 
  • Hello is very difficult to stay positive with what's going on..around us..with our health...I have to work very hard somedays with some self love and mindfulness to get through the days without crying all day...and even harder when Teal sisters pass away...
  • Hello everyone, It has been a while, a very long while, since I have been on. I just happened to be doing email and saw that it was chat time. Chemo brain + covid brain = squirrel!
  • Never too late @kastoyles to join in...
  • @Bluebird and @kattie666 - I's hard to get motivated and keep spirits up when our normal routines are changed through our cancer journey and COVID... it doesn't look like we are going to return to our 'old normal' anytime soon either.

  • Nice to meet you @UnPickNot Thank you for commenting.... long timers like you give us hope!

  • My hospice group stopped meeting when COVID reared its ugly head... now our coordinater has retired and it looks like
    our group may not start up again. Sad to say the new administrator doesn't see the value of our Day Wellness program...
  • hello @UnPickNot...sometimes squirrell is good...
  • @Flowergirl..I was just being hopeful..with the zoom still wonderful and so very important..
  • nadiaC
    Hi everyone! I just put my energetic five year old to bed. Ten minutes later he showed up in my room with green marker all over his face and a piece of tape across his lips. Bedtime is always a prolonged affair. Hope you are all doing well. I’ve had a week of good energy and have been trying to go about the business of just living. It takes practice to stay in the present but I’ve also found it to be a relief. 
  • Flowergirl
    and hopeful is so important @Bluebird... we have all been through some really tough situations that are not easy in so called normal times - this virus just complicates and magnifies everything.
    I'm nearly done my energy for tonight so perhaps we can close out with what was the best part of your day today?
    I had a quick, small dinner with my family and now will go rest by the fireplace -the temps sure have dropped!
  • I'm loving the cooler temps here in Ontario as well. Was able to spend time with my two brothers today, which was lovely. Hot bowl of soup with hubby for dinner and some relaxing TV time watching Matlock reruns... Boring to some, heaven to me!  Good night all - have a safe week! Hugs!!
  • Since we can't do it on this platform, let me tell you about our GyneGals chat.
    We have a Gyne Gals ZOOM chat every 2nd Tuesday of the month through Wellspring. ANYONE with a Gyne Cancer can come. Almost all of us are OvCa. Just had a chat this afternoon. Go to to register. The next one is in October.
  • nadiaC
    hi @UnPickNot! Thanks for sharing this helpful resource. I’ve been looking for a zoom support group for OC survivors and this looks great. I’m also HGS 3C, and am encouraged by your story in your profile. 
  • @UnPickNot..that's for the info...I'll have a look out west here to see if we have anything like for the best part of my day...I've seen the sunshine cats greet me everyday I come home ..I have a wonderful family and friends..and I have you all that keep me laughing ..strong and hopeful...have a great night..
  • @nadiaC..I hope the green marker and tape came off your little ones face...good to hear you have some good energy this week...stay kind to deserve it❤
  • nadiaC
    Thanks @Bluebird. It all came off his face this morning. I hope you are doing well. I have more chemo next week. Cycle 4. Hoping everything goes smoothly. 
  • I hope your chemo goes great next week...I know you have the courage and strength for this cycle...😊
  • Flowergirl
    Hello everyone - sorry I missed you all this past Tuesday, for those who were around.
    I am still in rough shape post procedure and second chemo... hoping to post my story when energy returns.
    Good to see many of you around for the Thursday afternoon chats.
    Do post whenever you can and for the time/days that work for you. My guess is once the cooler weather is here we'll have a few more people online in the evenings. Plus that time frame may do for those who are returned to work or a dealing with chemo/child care etc during the day.
    Hope you are all well and nice to see the connections here on the site.
  • hello@flowergirl, I am so sorry to hear that you are having a rough go.  It actually breaks my heart.  My prayers are with you and you keep on going we are all here rooting for you!   <3
  • Flowergirl
    Thank you @beachgirl... it has been difficult and I appreciate your support.
  • Good day all
    just one more chemo left to go, Oct 2nd.  So glad it will be done.  I get a terrible painful rash on and off from the chemo.  Have been taking CBD to help.  Last bloodwork my CA125 went up so I am a little worried that the chemo drug is not working.  I am even experimenting with being vegan to see if that will turn things around.  Hope it all works, I need a break from chemo just want to live my life
  • Flowergirl
    Hi @love2run - darn, sorry you have to deal with the rash too?
    Can your medical team give you something to ease it? As always, check in with them or a nurse first... I used baking soda on my rash to help ease. 
  • I have tried everything but it’s like nerve pain very painful at times.  The rash is underneath my ostomy appliance, so I can’t even air it out at all.  I’ve done all the things required with no help so I started taking hydromorphone when it got really bad but am now switching to cannabis
  • MarilynOCC Moderator
    edited September 2020
    Hi everyone!
    Flowergirl is taking a bit of a break, so I will be filling in for now. I haven't been on this chat for a while so I"m looking forward to connecting with you tonight if you are around!  @Bluebird @love2run @beachgirl @nadiaC @UnPickNot @kastoyles @kattie666  
  • Welcome @MarilynOCC Moderator..hi everyone..
  • Hi @Bluebird How are you doing tonight?  

  • Were you able to participate in the Walk of Hope last week?
  • CountryLiving
    CountryLiving Community Champion
    Good evening everyone.

  • Hi @CountryLiving!  Good to have you on the chat!  I'm wondering if anyone participated in the virtual Walk of Hope?