Community Connection: Ovarian Cancer Canada is looking for volunteers! Could you help?

OVdialogue – consider joining our team in the role of Community Champion. Over a few hours each week, you would be part of a team that helps connect people, support conversations and are thought leaders for OVdialogue. This is your opportunity to give back to those who have/continue to support you through the tough times, share your unique experiences, and help celebrate successes. For more details of what this entails, please reach out to @Mfallis (

Teal Tuesdays - Live Online Chat! (Discontinued indefinitely)



  • Flowergirl
    Hello @Linda - welcome back and so glad you were able to go on that trip!
    Sending all the positive vibes your way!
  • Linda
    Hello everyone ! And thank you @Flowergirl my trip was amazing! Scan was last Thursday night so anxiously waiting for result. Feeling pretty good and seem to have a bit more energy which is good.  How are you feeling ?
  • Linda
    Hi @Skyelar12 How are you today ? 
  • Linda
    Hi @terrylee How are you today ? 
  • Linda
    I just spent 4 weeks in Scotland visiting family. It’s still quite Spring like there so I was wearing sweaters etc. It’s so nice to be home now and I’m lovin this summer weather ☀️
  • Linda
    Signing off now ladies, and channeling positive wishes to everyone. Have a great week ☀️🦋
  • Flowergirl
    Welcome back @Linda
    Glad to hear it was a a great trip!
    I've got my times mixed up today.
    Hello @terrylee and @Skyelar12
  • Flowergirl
    Good evening everyone - hope you all were able to celebrate in your own way Canada Day! The weather looked fabulous across the country ... we are now really into Summer.  Hope you are all doing well as our days tend to be filled with more outside activities. 
  • Flowergirl
    Hello everyone 
    walk shirts are being sent soon if you have registered already

  • Flowergirl
    Good evening everyone...I'm mobile tonight and always have ahard time logging in.
    You are welcome to post any questions or concerns here and I'll check back in again later.

  • Flowergirl
    Hello @collegal - how are you this evening?

  • Hi there @Flowergirl,  I am doing good.. how about you?
  • Flowergirl
    Hi - I'm good thank you - seems the posts are delayed tonight

  • Flowergirl
    Although it is usually quieter in the summer, I'll check the site throughout the week.
    If anyone is looking for in- person support.... To find local support groups- check this site for your location
    Also, check in with your local cancer centre and DR team to help you find the other supports you may need
  • Flowergirl
    And some upcoming events are posted here:
    be sure to check back often and it is updated 
  • Flowergirl
    Hello Everyone - September is here and so is the cooler weather and back to routine for a few!
    Perhaps it is the time to also start something new.

    Looking forward to connecting again with you all once the busy time of back to school and summer holiday farewell is done. Reminder the Walk of Hope is next Sunday - check your location for times/dates confirmation. No registration fee for survivors and a great place to connect with others for support. 

    We'll meet up here Tuesdays at 7:00 PM CST or around the site when you can.

  • Flowergirl
    Hello everyone ... from a previous post @battleoflife12018 is looking for some words of support and hope to share....

    "I have been asked to share my story at an upcoming event to raise awareness in my community. I am requesting any words of wisdom, hope,sisterhood, and quotes that I can share with others at this event later this month"
  • Flowergirl
    Hello everyone,

    I attended a Disability Tax Credit presentation yesterday and will post some notes shortly.
    It is certainly worth looking into for your self or family member. CRA rules change all the time and it can be impossible to keep track even for the professionals dealing with this process on an everyday basis. The good news is there are people out there to help you through the process and often offer a free consultation. Yes, it can mean paperwork and your DR filling in forms - the process can be overwhelming however if you or a family member qualify for this tax credit based on the criteria (found out that also changed since I last looked at it), it is your right to claim it.  I'll post more details throughout the week.

  • Flowergirl
    Also, wondering if you can comment about when and how you access this chat site:
    1. Do you go mobile on your phone or tablet or do you sit down with a cup of tea and view the comments at your desktop/laptop?
    2. About how often do you view or log into the chat site? (daily, weekly, monthly, other?)
    3. What time of day do you view or log into the site - morning, afternoons, evenings, or middle of the night when you can't sleep :/?
    4. Do you receive notifications?
    You are welcome to post your answers or comments here.
    Or if you prefer, you can private message them to me - I'm looking for some general stats - thank you.

    Hope you all have a good week.  :)
  • Flowergirl
    Hello @Laurie - welcome back to the chat site and hope you are doing well!
  • Flowergirl
    Good evening everyone!
    I'm roaming this evening so will be late to check in at 7:00 PMCST
    Hope this message finds you all doing well.  I'll check back again later this evening if you have comments or questions.

    I've come across another item in the coping "toolbox" - courtesy of the picking up the pieces session... hope you can find it of some use for you.

    For today...
    1. What is happening with my body?
    2. How am I feeling emotionally?
    3. When I let my thoughts wonder, what do I think about?
    4. Who did I connect with? 
    5. What gave me a sense of peace?

  • Flowergirl
    Good evening everyone - hope you are all doing well and staying warm... seems the cold weather has set in for several locations.
    Welcome to the new chat participants... we hope you will find much support here around the site.
  • Flowergirl
    For previous users - there was an email or notification to reset your password.... welcome back to the chatsite. 
  • Flowergirl
    Hello everyone - welcome back previous participants - hoping you were all able to reset your passwords. 

    If you haven’t been on OVdialogue for a while you will find that the next time you sign in, you will need to change your password. 
     If you have any trouble resetting your password, please contact

    A warm welcome to new participants also. We hope you will find much support on the site.

    Everyone is welcome to join the Live Chat Teal Tuesdays - we all try to meet right here at the same time to offer support and connections. 7:00 PM CST...... if you can't meet at that time, that is ok - chat is open 24/7 for you to view, post and comment.

  • Flowergirl
    Good evening everyone!

  • Flowergirl
    Hello @Shortone - welcome

  • Hello Flowergirl. Uncertain days right now.
  • @Flowergirl, saw the earlier post about the Disability Tax Credit; wondering what this is and where I can find out more about it. Thanks.
  • Flowergirl
    sorry to hear @Shortone
    I can private message you some more info
  • Flowergirl
    good night everyone - I'm on driving duty - you are welcome to post more here and around the site.
    Stay warm!