Community Connection: Ovarian Cancer Canada is looking for volunteers! Could you help?

OVdialogue – consider joining our team in the role of Community Champion. Over a few hours each week, you would be part of a team that helps connect people, support conversations and are thought leaders for OVdialogue. This is your opportunity to give back to those who have/continue to support you through the tough times, share your unique experiences, and help celebrate successes. For more details of what this entails, please reach out to @Mfallis (
Ovarian Cancer Canada is thrilled to share that we have some exciting updates on the way for OVdialogue. These enhancements are designed to strengthen our community and make your experience even better.

Stay tuned for more details, and feel free to share your thoughts below. Let’s make this community even stronger!

Teal Tuesdays - Live Online Chat! (Discontinued indefinitely)



  • Hi @jsullivan33 thinking of you and sending you hugs ((())) ☀️🦋
  • Hi - yes the sunshine sure helps - stiffness today so tomorrow will be better
    Glad you got out - yes, I find it handy to have those indoor quiet time projects for when you just can't muster the energy for something more - I was photo sorting this week 
    It is  a short night check in for me today - late dinner and hockey!
  • Sorry to hear hear about your stiffness, and hoping tomorrow better. Have a lovely meal and enjoy the game ☀️🦋
  • Thanks much - will be thinking of you this week and hoping you get through ok
    good night
  • @Linda and @Flowergirl, dear teal sisters, I am recovering from emergency surgery here in hospital, day#2. Bowel obstruction from tumour progression , wow. It was very intense. Husband and daughter here hanging out w me. Sending hugs

  • The sunshine definitely helps! 
  • Oh @jsullivan33 I am so sorry to hear about your obstruction, and hoping and praying that the surgery gave you relief. And it’s lovely that your family is there keeping you company.  I have been thinking about you. Thank you so much for stopping by to let us know, even as you are in hospital. Channeling positive vibes and big hugs to you, lovely Teal Sister ☀️🦋
  • Have to say goodnight lovely ladies. Have a great week and enjoy every second of the sunshine - we all deserve it. Big hugs ☀️🦋
  • Thanks @Linda
  • hello @jsullivan33 -sorry to hear you have had to go through that although glad to hear they are looking after you and  you have support... hoping you are resting ok and know always thinking of you
  • Good evening everyone - I'm mobile tonight - will be checking back in later!
    Hope everyone is well - is there some sun shining in your part of the country - can smell Spring around the corner here!
  • Hello ladies ! I’m just popping in to say Hi 👋 Hope that everyone is doing well. We have company that came to visit. But I just had to say how delighted I was to hear that OC was promised $10 Million for research 👏  I’ll try to check in later. Hugs ☀️💞🦋
  • Hi;-) thinking of you all as I ruminate over being an OvCa patient...delayed chemo for a week to watch my youngest at a competition. Waiting for a CT to investigate increasing pain. Heard yesterday there may be a clinical trial...but downside is need a biopsy. I hate biopsies. So so so painful. ugh. So feeling down, and thought you could cheer me up! ha!
  • Hello @jen_k - sorry we missed you. Hoping you can get some relief for the pain.

  • So is the biopsy (or the results ) a requirement to determine if you qualify for the trial?
    Not sure how I can cheer you up - hoping you can find something that brings you peace or joy / comfort to make the day better. Sending  <3
  • Hi everyone - looking forward to the chat on Tuesday March  26 @ 7:00 PM CST 
    Thanks @Marilyn for the revamp of the topics/ discussions / categories
  • Hello ladies - how are you all tonight?
  • Hi @Flowergirl and hi Ladies 👋 How is everyone ? I’m doing pretty good and anticipating the warmer weather arriving tomorrow. It’s been sunny here but still quite cold. So the warmer weather will be a nice change. 
  • Yes, that sunshine can sure fool you - the air is still so damp - loving the warmth of sunshine
    (hope you are able to catch it too @jsullivan33)
  • I really like the new look on the OV Dialogue menu.  Thanks @Marilyn for all your hard work. And it was wonderful news to hear the announcement of the Federal funding.
  • Hi everyone  :) I started getting notifications again!
  • Yes - like the new topics and categories - should make it easier to find past items/discussions
    Hello @red1976 - welcome again - hope you are doing well!
  • Thanks @Flowergirl :) I have finally trusted my body enough to do exercise again. Trying to feel confident in my self and my health. 

    How are you??
  • Thinking of you @jsullivan33 and hoping you are getting some of the sunshine we’re enjoying here in Niagara (warmer starting tomorrow too )  ☀️🦋
  • Be sure to check out if you qualify and Reminder about the upcoming survey - see the topic here and you may have feceived an email from OCC.

    The survey is for women and caregivers who;
    - positive for BRCA
    - had platinum based chemo
    - have not had a recurrence 

  • hi @Flowergirl I wonder if we could add a Nutrition category where we could share recipes, nutrition ideas, favourite tea, etc etc 
  • For sure @Linda - hoping to get some more cancer specific nutrition webinar or presentation going
    Perhaps we can start it under health practices and wellbeing?