Community Connection: Ovarian Cancer Canada is looking for volunteers! Could you help?

OVdialogue – consider joining our team in the role of Community Champion. Over a few hours each week, you would be part of a team that helps connect people, support conversations and are thought leaders for OVdialogue. This is your opportunity to give back to those who have/continue to support you through the tough times, share your unique experiences, and help celebrate successes. For more details of what this entails, please reach out to @Mfallis (
Ovarian Cancer Canada is thrilled to share that we have some exciting updates on the way for OVdialogue. These enhancements are designed to strengthen our community and make your experience even better.

Stay tuned for more details, and feel free to share your thoughts below. Let’s make this community even stronger!




  • @Strongwoman it was indeed a lovely day here too! I travelled to Kingston this afternoon for a CT scan. It’s my first scan since ending immunotherapy last month. Felt energetic enough to putter around the house this morning…laundry, vacuuming, mopping floors. Hubby had a lot to do on the farm, so I decided that I was a big girl and I would go by myself. I was in and out in short order and treated myself to some sushi before heading home. Treating every day as a gift. Definitely wondering what’s going on inside my body, and basically trying to just get on with things. That’s not something I have any control over.

  • @Strongwoman yes indeed, they handed out the beautiful sunflowers at the walk. It was the first time in my life that I held one and was amazed at how large they are. Was sad cause when I took them home I realized I didn't have anything large enough to put them in some water lol. I hope you had a nummy BBQ.

    @GloHo you are a force to be reckoned with. I am amazed at how you pick yourself up and move on to the next thing. You seem to be 3 steps ahead all the time and I wouldn't want to play chess with you! When I had my final interview for patient partners in research yesterday you pooped into my mind when we were speaking about trials

    @JoanEG sending positivity your direction for your scan tomorrow. @HorseGirl same to you as well

  • @melissa I love that they handed out sunflowers at your walk site. They did for Teal Sisters at the Burlington (ON) site as well. @Strongwoman I also learned that for the month of September in the GTA (Greater Toronto Area) that Longo's has partnered with Ovarian Cancer Canada. Money is being donated for every sunflower sold. So if you are in the GTA, drop into a Longo's and buy a sunflower for what we all know is a GREAT cause.

  • @melissa  congratulations on being selected to join the patient partners in research program. You will undoubtable make a difference. I look forward to hearing about your journey through the program.

    @GloHo  thank you for sharing information on the trial you are starting. I wish you nothing but luck and look forward to your updates. If you do experience nausea (I did through all 6 of my chemo treatments), what worked for me was Ginger Gravol and lots of ginger candies. I do however send positive vibes into the universe for no nausea for you. I have been on Senokot-S since my chemo started months ago. It worked wonders for keeping me regular. I hope you have the same positive experience with it. I'm trying to slowly wean myself off it now and return to my Metamucil etc.

    On a separate note, my hubby and I are starting to consider some out of country travel. I've been exploring emergency travel insurance over the past few days, for individuals with pre-existing conditions. I saw a thread on Travel Insurance in another section of this forum. I'll post some information there to update the thread with the information I learned.

    Have a nice weekend everyone.

  • Hi Teal Sisters

    I am in an awful place. Had Carboplatin on Monday. Have been extremely ill ever since. Weak as a kitten, hardly able to stand up, scared of falling. Phonne call from substitute onc yesterday and he impliied that giving me the full dose had been a crappy idea, and it needed to be reduced. Too late now. Anyone else had this experience?

  • Yes, I also had a very rough time with carboplatin. Some days I felt so weak that I couldn’t even heat up food in the microwave! I spent a lot of time in my recliner. I actually used a walker to steady myself. Getting a shower was a struggle too! I have a tub handle that has been a lifesaver. It will take a while for this to subside, so in the meantime just rest and baby yourself. Is someone with you? When I felt like that, it was worrisome to be alone. Try to eat protein and don’t forget to take magnesium supplements. Keep us posted as to how you’re doing. Sending hugs. XXX

  • @Hooodith I'm sorry you're feeling like this. I too had carboplatin but it was with taxol so I don't know which one was responsible for which side effects. I do remember feeling very very weak from round day 4 to 6 to the point if I went upstairs to make a coffee my heart was racing after going up 5 or 6 steps. I just made it a point to always keep a few water bottles next to me near the couch and drink ensure to supplement. But if you are afraid you might fall then try not to get up alone.

  • Don’t have the results of yesterday’s CT scan yet, but wanted to share something positive. Last March 2023, I had an unfortunate fall off one of my horses who has always been a handful. After an ambulance ride to the hospital, I learned that my L1 was fractured. While I was healing from that, I was diagnosed with OV cancer a few months later. My goal has always been to get back on that beast, but obviously debulking surgery, chemotherapy, and immunotherapy interfered with that. I’m happy to report that I got back on her today for the first time in over a year!!! I won’t be able to ride her on the regular because she’s a lot, and my body isn’t strong enough. Not gonna lie, I was pretty nervous! But today’s short ride was a mental and physical barrier that I needed to push through. Thinking of all of you ladies today, and sending light and love. 💕

  • @Hooodith I’m sorry you are feeling so awful from the carbo. I had carbo and pax together and I felt terrible through every round. For me it was nausea and nothing helped. Please rest and let those around help you as much as possible. Sending you hugs 🫂

    @HorseGirl congrats on literally getting back on the horse! 🎉

  • @Hooodith I am sorry to hear you are feeling so weakened from your treatment. Hoping you are not alone and have someone there with you. For risk of falling is great in your weakened state. I do hope it does not last long and subsides soon. Your Oncologist's comment was a little late to the mark for sure but going into the next one, you can be assured it will be adjusted or you will make sure it is so this does not happen again. Again, I concur with so many in their posts, baby yourself, rest and recoup is the main theme. Get better we are rooting for you. 🤗

    @HorseGirl Well @JoanEG literally took the words from my mouth! Congrats for "getting back on the horse again,". That must have been fulfilling to accomplish that. So congrats. All things aside and having the scan today, it was your silver lining. How wonderful for you. 💕

  • @Hooodith I too am sorry you are feeling so unwell. Per @HorseGirl 's comment, protein was my friend when I felt horrible through my infusions. I was told by a few oncologists that it was very important to get lots into your system. I hope you are able to eat, even if in small meals throughout the day. I'm sure you will speak to your oncologist for possible solutions for the next round. I would also suggest speaking to the attending nurses during your infusion. I found that the nurses had far more practical experience as they were the 'boots on the ground' folks. They made a few recommendations over the time of my treatments that really helped and that my oncologist did not initially suggest.

    Additionally while I appreciate you are in a weakened state, if you are able, try to keep a journal, even if on your phone. I kept track in my Notes section of my iPhone how I was feeling each day post chemo, what helped if anything etc. It was very helpful for each subsequent infusion as I could look back and see what to 'expect' and recognize when something I was experiencing was new. It helped to keep my anxiety down quite a bit. Regardless I hope you gain more strength as the days go by.

    @HorseGirl you have proven that Friday the 13th is actually a lucky day. So there cynics!!! Well done on getting back on the horse. Very impressive.

  • My CT results just came back…NED!!! 😅

  • That’s great news @HorseGirl !! 🩵🎉

  • My wonderful Teal sisters! Thank you so much for the advice and the great verbal hugs you gave me. One of my problems was not being able to stand up from the toilet. So scary. Now I have a commode thingie. I def have more confidence. I am prettty mad that I have to go through this. But I can feel my energy very slowly creeping back. @Alwayslearning My husband keeps that journal for me. It has been helpful but this time everything seems different…I am never alone, by the way, he is always at hand. We have a baby monitor so even in the night he is a hop skip and a jump away from me. He is amazing. My two cats hardly ever leave my side as well. They seem to do shifts of sleeping on the little bed on my bed that is just for them. I am very lucky

  • That is excellent news @HorseGirl congratulations 💙

  • @Hooodith how are you feeling today? I've been thinking about you. I hope it's been a more positive day.

  • @Hooodith I’m happy to hear you are coping well and starting to feel better. You are fortunate to have an attentive hubby and cats! 🩵

  • @HorseGirl fantastic news!!!!!

  • HorseGirl
    edited September 2024

    @Hooodith I'm glad that you have the toilet support. I used one when I had my knee replaced, and I became very attached to it. In fact, I’m kind of missing it now by talking about it. LOL Glad that you’re resting up and managing. Do you have an electric blanket? Coming into the cooler weather, I would highly recommend it. I found mine to be very soothing during chemotherapy treatments. Sometimes I would turn it on in the daytime and just lie on the bed with the heat on my back.

  • @Hooodith I do recall you stating previously how involved your hubby was in your journey. You are very fortunate to have him. I, personally, don't think it is the norm and know it is not in my case. But…..I do know much more medically compared to him so for us, it's a no brainer that I take over that part of it. Makes it easier and then I can break it down in terms he can understand from there. Means he doesn't have to go to the appts either….yay for him! LOL ;)

    I had the seat commode when I came home from my surgery and I have no idea what I would have done without it. I have saved it and will use it again if needed. It was a godsend that is for sure! Whatever works for you and makes it easier and safer for you, you go girl! The electric blanket was helpful too plus I think your cats may like or enjoy that as well. They may be extra cuddly.

    Wishing you the best as you gain strength this week and recover. 💕

  • Good Afternoon Ladies. I found this pin and found it fitting for today. A day to remind ourselves that we can find the joy in a day and rejuvenate ourselves at the same time.

    I was able to start some scrap booking today which was very nice. Tomorrow in Art Therapy I am bringing my photos so I can use their special scissors and cut out the pictures I want to scrapbook going forward. That is one thing I don't have at home and don't want to go buy specifically for this project. It will be fun! I am working on a book for both of my sons at the same time which is good. Then I have a photo album I can put photos in and fill in the rest of the photos I have. Once I have that completed, it will be finishing journals and I may be done with my Legacy work. That seems like a far off thing but not really.

    I ran into some symptoms on the weekend and it got scary for me. I was wondering if I was going to have to call in and then get admitted to Hospice kind of scary. Thankfully things started to resolve on their own and have been good since. Nursing care has been great and keeping up with me daily as to how I feel. Which has been better daily. Yesterday I think I did too much and was tired from it all. Today has been more of a rest day which has been nice.

    Where are all of you at this week? How are you feeling? Physically? Mentally? Emotionally? Any appts coming up or waiting results?

    Found a nice second hand store this week and bought my great niece and nephew some clothing and yesterday found them both mittens for the winter. So between my sister (their Nana) and I we are slowly getting them ready for the winter season on the cheap or thrifty side of things. Nothing wrong with that. Was nice to spend some time with my sister too. 💕

    I think we are going to the market on Saturday too. That will be nice and if not, maybe just some time together will be nice in and of itself.

    So, Ladies…….who is out there and what would you like to chat about today?

  • Good afternoon @strongwoman

    I guess I joined this conversation a bit late, I'm often forgetting to join on Thursdays!

    I hope next week I will remember, have a good week everyone!

  • @strongwoman. I am still in bed. A little more energy seeping in. I will try to get up today and hobble to the living room. I must continue to keep moving. Scared of becoming non- ambulatory.

  • HorseGirl
    edited September 2024

    @Strongwoman you must feel incredibly relieved that your situation resolved itself! I’m glad to hear that you didn’t have to make that call. Legacy work is still on my mind…I have a lot of pictures that I really should go through, but I’m waiting until the cold weather. Overdoing it seems to be a thing. Even though you may have done a little bit too much, I don’t blame you! With this disease, I think that we push ourselves because we feel like we should “go while we can”. Now that I’m currently NED, I had the hot idea to go canoeing with my bestie. Although we managed to wrestle the canoe off the trailer and into the water, paddle and then wrestle it back on, it was way more tiring than I anticipated. I was so sore for about two days. Even today, I feel a bit rough. I was thrilled to read about your thrifty finds! I love, thrift stores, and shopping on FB marketplace! I get so much joy from buying fantastic stuff on the cheap, and it sounds like you do as well. I have already bought my grandchildren their winter snow suits,,clothes, sleepers, etc. It makes sense to reuse and repurpose the items that are already out there!

  • @Strongwoman I’m so glad your situation resolved itself and you didn’t have to make that call! @Hooodith I’m so sorry you are struggling right now and hope each day finds you feeling stronger.

    I had an appointment at the Victoria cancer clinic today. The nurse practicing reviewed my CT scan and said the mass has shrunk a bit so the blockage is stable. She did an internal and a rectal. My labs were good with my CA 125 at 7. No sign of anything new. So everything is good. I just have to stay the course with my low residue diet and carry on with the Olaparib.

  • @Strongwoman I am very happy to read the good news that things resolved on their own. May they continue to do so for a long, long time. @JoanEG glad that the tumor is shrinking! And a ca125 of 7 is almost as good as it gets!

  • @JoanEG sounds like you’ve had some positive news in that the mass has shrunk and is stable for now. The Olarapib must be working. How is your energy level overall?

  • @HorseGirl I am feeling really good and my energy level is also really good. I am back to doing all my chores both inside and out, I walk every day and do yoga two evenings a week.