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• A personalized experience, just for you: your member homepage displays the content you engage with most, including a resource library where you can engage in discussions directly related to the content.
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• Stay up to date on the latest events: upcoming activities will be listed in an events calendar right here in the platform
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We look forward to seeing you in the refreshed platform!


From a recent scan for my recurrence, I’ve recently been diagnosed with a moderate case of hydronephrosis of my right kidney. I’m being referred to a urologist.  I don’t know what to expect, and just wondered - Has anyone else experienced this ? 


  • Hi @Linda
    Great to connect with you again. Sounds like the care team is really looking after you.
    Yes, I too have dealt with this to a certain extent, and as every situation is different, check in with the urologists and your treatment team as to what possible options/outcomes can you expect. It may depend on many factors.  And as always, ask lots of questions.

    When are you going and is this just a consult for now or a procedure? 

    So in my case,  I had reduced urine output as something (tumor or other issue) was restricting the flow of urine. 
    I have a ureteral stent inserted (picture in your mind a thin straw) from the kidney to the bladder. Good news, I often forget it is there. It is changed every 6 months. Nothing more invasive that what we are already dealing with in regards to the physical followup exams most of us already have going on. If you like,  can share more info later once you know what you are dealing with after your appointment.

    Sending much hope for good outcome <3
  • Hi @Flowergirl so nice to connect, and thank you for sharing. My first appointment will be a consult with urology. I have an appointment with my oncologist on Monday and they said they would tell me about the urology appointment then. I was naughty and checked with Dr Google but decided not to pay any attention. Your information is comforting and very helpful. As you say we are all different. I’ll share my experience as I go through this journey. 
    I was kinda feeling sorry for myself coz I’m just recovering from a 2nd total hip replacement (Feb 24) due to steroid use. So when they told me this news about my kidney I wanted to run a mile. Feeling much more calm now, thank you so much 🦋
  • You are welcome @Linda... please let us know how you make out, fingers crossed for the best possible situation and hugs to you
  • Hi @Flowergirl Good news! Next week, April 29, the urologist at Toronto General is going to insert a stent that leads from my left kidney to my bladder. He said this will solve my blockage. I’m looking forward to getting it over and done with. A bit anxious about going into a hospital, but I’ll wear my face mask, wear gloves, take a deep breath and say my prayers. Hope and pray you are doing ok. 🦋
  • Hi again @Linda
    Great to hear from you again and hope you are feeling ok otherwise.
    I hope that all goes well for you - here is the play by play just incase they missed telling you something and how it went for me.

    For my initial stent insert, I was on my stomach - they give meds to relax - all good. They insert the stent - went thru my back - just above your hip where the kidney is. When they do the change - usually 6 months later- they do it thru the front - the urethra... again more meds to relax - the worst part I found was the anxiety waiting around for it to happen as was there early to prep and give IV, wait for my turn..... the procedure can be done either way I was told so I guess it just depends on the situation. 

    The most important part is make sure they give you the prescription for antibiotics for after the procedure - usually 7 days worth I think.  Drink lots of liquid for at least 2 days post. I always feel a bit of pressure or increased urgency (maybe even like a mild burning sensation) the first few urine passes... like bladder irritation - this went away after a few days.

    So I hope all of this helps you know what to expect - fingers crossed it goes smoothly.
    Yes, do your trial run with the mask, etc. I keep soap, water, hand sanitizer and extra clothes in the car so I can clean up as I exit the hospital and before I get back into the car when hubby picks me up.

    Those health care workers don't want the virus either and they are being very careful I find. It is other people I worry about now - those not following the public health orders.

    Sending those good vibes your way and I'll be thinking of you next week for sure.

  • Thank you so much @Flowergirl This information is fabulous! The not knowing what to expect can cause anxiety. Your experience has really helped and I SO appreciate it. I’ll let you know how it goes next week. Warmest regards and big hugs 🦋
  • Sending you good vibes and a virtual hug across the miles @Linda
    I’ll be thinking of you tomorrow 
  • Hello @Linda - hoping you are managing well after your procedure!