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Questions to ask dr before laparoscopy

I apologize for writing because I don’t know what my diagnosis is but I don’t know who to talk to. I am 58. I had a post menopause bleed one year ago setting off a series of tests, including a pelvic/TV ultrasound. I have since had a series of ultrasounds for an incidental finding of a  complex adnexal or tubal cyst with a solid component etc  with  “ stat “ designated results that my GP assured was not important.  I was referred to a gynaecologist, who has ordered another pelvic ultrasound and it sounds like I need to choose to have a laparoscopic removal of my ovaries soon, or more watchful waiting, pending which I presume are going to be more indeterminate results again from this next ultrasound. My ca125 is normal. This adnexal ? Tubal mass is small and has been growing slowly over the last 6 months. 
What questions should I ask my dr?


  • Hello @Truffle - welcome to that chat site. Sorry you are dealing with this recent health issue and I hope you are able to get the answers and support your need.
    So, based on what you have written here, is it just the gynaecologist you have been consulting with? who will be performing the surgery and have they consulted with oncology? Not to scare you or assume the mass is cancer however you may want to ask many questions about the procedure and the course of action. Here is hoping the mass is benign. Have they or can they refer you to your local cancer centre or a gynaecological surgeon for a second opinion and consult. Your DR or local cancer or support centre may offer an info session on preparing for gyne surgery.
    Wishing you the very best and know you will find much support here. 
  • Thank you, I wasn’t sure if I should mention those things to my gynaecologist. I was wondering when the oncologist might be mentioned. I wasn’t sure this applied to me, but now I realize I need to ask questions. I seem to freeze in the drs office. I will write this down in preparation. I will seek out local support. One thing I do see in my head is your ad on “lady balls”. I guess I’d better use mine :)
    My greatest appreciation for your response. 

  • Hello again @Truffle... yes, you are your own best advocate and also, it may help to take someone with you to appointments. For sure, you go in with a plan and a list of questions. And yes, there is a lot of local support out  there.

    Many of us on this site have shared that if the DR won't answer your questions (or dismisses you), you keep going to find someone who will. And in a respectful way, you may even have to educate your DR or care provider. My motto is, this is my concern, prove me wrong! Again, it is possible that cysts can just be cysts or benign and it is good they are looking after you however, you have to look out for your best interest to make informed decisions ... wishing you a good night and a good outcome.