OVdialogue – consider joining our team in the role of Community Champion. Over a few hours each week, you would be part of a team that helps connect people, support conversations and are thought leaders for OVdialogue. This is your opportunity to give back to those who have/continue to support you through the tough times, share your unique experiences, and help celebrate successes. For more details of what this entails, please reach out to @Mfallis (mfallis@ovariancanada.org).
• A personalized experience, just for you: your member homepage displays the content you engage with most, including a resource library where you can engage in discussions directly related to the content.
• Have conversations in real time: You can respond to notifications and personal messages from people in your community directly from your email inbox; plus it’s easier than ever to return to the platform.
• Stay up to date on the latest events: upcoming activities will be listed in an events calendar right here in the platform
During this time of transition, private messaging within the platform will be unavailable beginning January 22, and posting will be unavailable beginning January 27.
We look forward to seeing you in the refreshed platform!
Research Study - Trauma in Oncology
Are you interested in participating in a research project entitled: “Trauma in Oncology”? As a result of a cancer diagnosis, medical procedures and treatments such as, hysterectomy, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, hormonal therapy and/or other interventions, it is possible that some patients experience anxiety, depression, and trauma leading to the development of post-traumatic stress symptoms.
This study will examine the prevalence of these issues for women with breast and/or gynecologic cancers as well as the association of personality traits (characteristics) and the development of trauma related symptoms (as we consider that it could exist as an association).
You do not need to have experience with any of these issues in order to participate in the study.
You will be asked to complete six questionnaires to measure the possible presence of different psychological symptoms, and one form containing personal and medical information. These are available in English or French. Total time required would be approximately 1-2 hours.
For further information, please contact: Margarita Betancur, Primary Investigator, Sherbrooke University at: 819-592-8708 or by e-mail: margarita.betancur.torres@usherbrooke.ca OR Dr. Jorge Armony, Professor of Psychiatry, McGill University and Researcher at Douglas Hospital at 514-761-6131 x3360 or by e-mail: jorge.armony@mcgill.ca
Oh, I would be interested in knowing more, but the post is from July. Does anyone know if they're still looking for people? I'll email them in any case.0
So I emailed them on Dec. 1st, and they asked me a couple of questions by email and then after a couple of days, I got a phone call about this study. It turns out I'm not eligible due to a pre-existing health concern I've had for a number of years.0
Hi @Elsie13. That is too bad particularly as you were so interested in the study. Thanks for reaching out to them. I just started a new discussion about the upcoming holidays - how are you planning to celebrate?
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