Community Connection: Ovarian Cancer Canada is looking for volunteers! Could you help?

OVdialogue – consider joining our team in the role of Community Champion. Over a few hours each week, you would be part of a team that helps connect people, support conversations and are thought leaders for OVdialogue. This is your opportunity to give back to those who have/continue to support you through the tough times, share your unique experiences, and help celebrate successes. For more details of what this entails, please reach out to @Mfallis (
Ovarian Cancer Canada is thrilled to share that we have some exciting updates on the way for OVdialogue. These enhancements are designed to strengthen our community and make your experience even better.

Stay tuned for more details, and feel free to share your thoughts below. Let’s make this community even stronger!

Let's get started! Come and introduce yourself



  • nadiaC
    nadiaC Legacy
    Thanks @CountryLiving! My first session went smoothly enough. I’m at day 4 afterwards now and have felt deep fatigue for the past 2 days. I can barely keep my head upright and my brain feels like jello. Did you experience anything like this and do you have suggestions on how to manage it? Thanks 😊
  • I know it sounds counter intuitive but you need to move around to help fight the fatigue. Baby steps but even a five minute walk will help
  • CountryLiving
    CountryLiving Community Champion
    @nadia I say listen to your body. Somedays you may lie all day on the couch and other days you may feel like going for a little walk. Dont overdo it because you may pay for it the next day. Be in contact with your team and they may suggest other ideas. All very common side effects but they too will get better. Hang in there! 
  • CountryLiving
    CountryLiving Community Champion
    @love2run how did your chemo go? Hang in there! So many ladies with stories of inspiration and hope. Keep  up the positive mind and as you say keep telling that cancer to take a hike. Thinking of you and hoping it went well.
  • Chemo was ok, I had three good days before the side effects hit, today was rough, tomorrow will be better.  I’ve told the chemo to send the cancer packing and keep it away.  It’s getting old, lol
  • @love2run my chemo was on Thursday. By Saturday the side effects started, Sunday was worse but from then on each day got better. You are absolutely right - send the cancer packing!
  • @nadiaC - I had extreme fatigue at times as well. All of a sudden I just had to lie down - didn't always sleep, but just had to lay back, close my eyes and rest. Your body will tell you what it needs - don't try to second guess it..Your system is doing its best to fight back and it needs lots of sleep.
  • Hi @cbot..teal Tuesdays is a go...I'm not sure what the time is it starts from and until it runs to..I'm not to helpful in that dept.  As I've nearly missed the last 2 sessions..does anyone know what time Teal Tuesday starts?
  • Hi @cbot..teal Tuesdays is a go...I'm not sure what the time is it starts from and until it runs to..I'm not to helpful in that dept.  As I've nearly missed the last 2 sessions..does anyone know if it starts at a particular time...
  • Hi @nadiaC...@love2run is right...even though your extremely fatigued..drink lots to help flush out the drugs...and moving..will help fatigue and muscle soreness..
  • Hi @nadiaC...@love2run is right...even though your extremely fatigued..drink lots to help flush out the drugs...and moving..will help fatigue
  • Hi @nadiaC...@love2run is right...even though your extremely fatigued..drink lots to help flush out the drugs...and moving..will help fatigue and sore muscles from the drugs
  • Hi @cbot..teal Tuesdays is a go...I'm not sure what the time is it starts from and until it runs to..I'm not to helpful in that dept.  As I've nearly missed the last 2 sessions..does anyone know what time Teal Tuesday starts?
  • Hi @nadiaC...@love2run is right...even though your extremely fatigued..drink lots to help flush out the drugs...and moving..will help fatigue and sore muscles from the drugs
  • @nadiaC - I definitely tolerated the side effects when I hydrated a couple of days before and after infusion.
  • nadiaC
    nadiaC Legacy
    @love2run you got this 💪🏼 Let the chemo do it’s thing and send cancer packing! Thanks for the tip about being active. Went for a little walk and it helped. 
  • KiwiChick
    edited July 2020
    Hang in there @kattie666 - Positive thoughts coming your way!  <3
  • Welcome @KiwiChick, the chat is never too long..that's what makes this site wonderful..share as much or as little as you want...glad go hear it's going well for the support and love the ribbon
  • Welcome @devanator..glad you've introduced yourself..I think your inspiring for fighting and winning for 9 years...and love for you to share your stories..
  • @KiwiChick - thanks for sharing your story - speaking as someone who frequently gets a case of verbal diarrhea - don't worry about it! OVDialogue is the place to share, support or vent, depending on your situation at the time. Welcome! We are all keeping positive thoughts for you and your family.
  • @devanator - Welcome and glad to have you as a part of our Community and OV Diaglogue. Your story is inspiring and gives us all hope for a healthy future. Thanks!
  • We have had several new members recently join the chat site - again, a warm welcome to you all. 
    You can post your story here if you wish and/or on your bio / profile page.

    If you would like to learn about the experiences of others, you can also look back thru this topic - note at the top of this category we are at 17 pages - you will learn about the stories of others and their experiences from when the chat was first started!
  • Good evening and welcome to our new chat participants.. This is the discussion are where you can tell your story and you can also post it on your profile / bio page.
  • All I want to do is leave the group and stop receiving emails. How do I do that?
  • kastoyles
    edited July 2020
    @JanCan - you can change your notifications by going to the gear in the upper right corner of your home page, then to edit profile. There you can uncheck all the notifications.
  • CountryLiving
    CountryLiving Community Champion
    @KiwiChick thank you for sharing your story and welcome to the group. I too started my journey this past fall. I had major surgery followed with chemo. I am done my treatments and have had one follow up appt and all looks good. Yes it is a journey no one wants but because of cancer I have met so many wonderful inspring and empowering women. Stay strong!
  • Hello @Readersmaven - Welcome to the chat site and thank you for sharing your experience.
    You are welcome to post your story here in this discussion and/or on your profile page.
    Although the chat site is available 24/7, there are a few times when we try to "live  chat" and connect at the same time.
    You are welcome to join us for Teal Tuesdays Evening @7:00 PM CST  or Teal Thursdays Daytime chat @1:00 EST
  • Hi there, I just saw this site on the news today and decided to join. It's been since January that I finished my last treatment, I was diagnosed with advanced stage 3c ovarian cancer. I think being able to talk to others will really help in dealing with it. I am positive and really want to help support others as well :)