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Bladder differences???

I am 18 weeks post surgery. Complete hysterectomy. 8.5 pound tumour removed. Stage 1A muscinous carcinoma. 
Has anyone noticed bladder differences post surgery? I have pressure in my bladder pretty much all the time, urinate about every 1.5 hours. Even when I empty my bladder, I can continue to sit on the toilet and sometimes urinate again even though I felt like I was previously empty. 
Does the surgery and healing (I’ve ALWAYS been a slow healer, even as simple as a paper cut) process effect the bladder too? 
Thanks for sharing your stories. Always a huge help. 


  • Hello @djapj - just as the diagnosis and treatments seem to be variable for everyone, so too it seems is this issue. Sometimes, bladder issues change over time.  As always, it may be worth a mention or discussion with your DR team to help put your mind at ease.

    On a personal note, I kept track of the frequency and urgency and it did seem to change over time - helped me to establish a baseline for the new "normal". And I recorded my fluid intake and switched to decaf coffee ;) 
  • @Flowergirl - good advise. I don’t drink anything but water, but I have attempted to up my intake in hopes of helping my bowel issues. Perhaps it’s a side effect of the surgery, perhaps my body is getting used to the increase in water intake. Every single thing seems like a question. Nothing certain. It can feel very overwhelming. 
  • After my hysterectomy I noticed the same thing . I was told that with the removal of the uterus and adjoining parts that there is more room in the abdominal cavity for the intestines and this could cause the feeling of pressure on the bladder. Also there probably was bruising on the bladder. My tumour was actually touching my bladder so some scraping was involved. You should definitely bring this up with your doctor but I would not worry about it .
  • Thank you, @Teddybear. How long did you feel a difference? Did it eventually go back to “normal?”
  • djapj@
    i am sure it was in six months after the surgery . I know it is very stressful when our bodies do things that we aren’t used to. But everything works out and we sort of go back to normal. I don’t know how old you are but with age our bodies naturally change.
  • @Teddybear, such helpful insight. I’m 18 weeks so that tells me I’m being too darn impatient. Lol. I am feeling a bit better than I was just a few short weeks ago so I’ll take that as a win. 
  • Hi @djapj--I was just reading your comment and my own situation is similar but different. I had a Total Hysterectomy in December 2011 when I was 34. I had everything removed but my ovaries. In May 2016, I received my diagnoses of Stage 1B Stromal Cell OC and had my debulking and oophorectomy done in June 2016. After that, I've had nothing by pressure and such with my bladder and bowels. I'm told it's because of the damage that was done during the debulk and overall surgery and that there's now scarring on my other organs. In my case, I have pressure most of the time. If I need to pee, I gotta go when the feeling hits. Otherwise, it really hurts. Both to hold it and then to go. I brought this up with my team and they said it's actually really normal after our surgery. Hopefully, it will get better for you and it won't be so uncomfortable for you. Take care :)

  • Hi Ladies
    Interesting conversation.  It is true that each individual is different.  I have noticed a difference since my total hysterectomy as well.  I should note that I was menopausal when I had surgery.  I had the same symptoms after my surgery and did bring it up with my GP.  Thought that there may have been damage from the catheter use, but everything came back good.
    Now that I am almost 18 months out, the discomfort has abated but the urgency and frequency have not.  Now I have to plan to make it to a bathroom within 40 minutes or I will be in trouble.  Scans of bladder are unremarkable so it must be my new normal. Some say that kegel exercises help, it doesn't for me.
  • @Caitsmom and @Ingrid_Canon - as always, I feel I get more information from my fellow OC ladies than anywhere else. The information you’ve shared has been a huge help. I am coming to terms with things being my new normal. I feel like I am grieving for my “old me.”  Has anyone else had to go through this as well?
  • @djapj Yes I certainly mourned my 'old self'.  In fact it was just recently that I 'turned the page' so to speak.  I am trying to focus on the positive and despite the unexpected outcomes of this journey, I believe that I am better off.  I am a lot stronger and more brave than I originally thought.  I now take more risks, because I know that it is now or never.  I appreciate and enjoy life more now, but I am aware of my limitations.   That is not a bad thing for me as I had to stop 'burning the candle at both ends'.  Little things make me content and satisfied.   A sunny day, a good read, a tender touch and lots of laughs.  Life is good if you look in the right places.  I think of my old self as the catapillar that has turned into a beautiful butterfly that is happily drinking up the good things life has to offer.  Take your time to heal, everyone has their own pace.  Remember that I am walking beside you and giving you the support you may need, even if it is only virtual ☺.
  • @Ingrid_Canon - that is absolutely beautiful. I agree with every word. Thank you for the support. Right back at you. ❤️
  • I had my hysterectomy on Dec 2, so only 8 weeks ago.  One week after surgery, I started getting very painful bladder spasms, both when the bladder was full and emptied.  I wouldn't get the normal fullness signals, but rather just pain signals.  I figure that the nerves to my bladder and rectum were both traumatized by the surgery and would take time to re-sort themselves.  The spasms continued for about 4 weeks and required medication (Ditropan) to help control the pain so that I could function.  I never had leakage.  Constipation has been an issue both post-operatively and with my first chemo, so that's also stress in that area... 
  • Thank you, @marthat. Very interesting. I was wondering if the problems were similar to what you described. Just wondering - were you made aware that was a possibility beforehand or did you have to figure it out after?
  • @djapj, nope, no mention beforehand.  But I work in healthcare, and am familiar with anatomy and physiology, so I diagnosed myself, and went looking for the meds that would help, once I realized that the normal pain meds weren't working for this particular pain.  I figured that my poor bladder had lost it's dancing partner (my uterus) and was trying to manage by itself on a newly empty dance floor... :-)
  • @djapj I had my hysterectomy at age 60.  Now during my first pregnancy at age 29, I developed a very annoying over active bladder, and a few years later, when bladder pills had not worked, I was treated for generalized anxiety disorder. How can you get on an airplane (Wait in-line at security) drive a car, wait on the platform for a late train, when you're anxious and start going to the washroom every 20 minutes???
        So my bladder problem got slightly better over the years, but still there are times where for several hours, I feel the need ever 25 minutes!  Then other days, I don't notice it, but I'm in the habit of always going to the washroom before going out, even if I went 10 minutes earlier.  Also, I drink 2 cappuccinos per day.  I'm not myself, otherwise. (If I have a doctor or dentist appointment, I wait until later for my caffeine. )
        So I don't know if my over active bladder relates to my surgery.  If the bladder used to lean up against your uterus and everything, now the bladder is jiggling around???
  • Thank you, @Elsie13. I go for a checkup with my oncologist next week. If he’ll actually answer some of my questions, this will be on my list, for sure. Thanks!
  • Hi @djapj. I experienced the same thing after my debulking surgery. My oncologist explained that since the bladder rests against the uterus, once my uterus was removed my bladder was anchored to the pelvic floor thus lowering its position slightly. This inturn results in more sensitivity to pressure and feeling like going more often. I certainly can’t hold my bladder like I did pre-debulking. So this is my new normal. Small price to pay for removing my mass.
  • jiselle16
    jiselle16 Community Champion
    edited March 2021
    @djapj @Teddybear @Caitsmom @Ingrid_Canon @marthat @Elsie13 @adfab Has anyone had any experiences with the Emsella chair? I'm curious. It's a non-invasive solution for urinary incontinence, and it stimulates the pelvic floor muscles (it basically does kegel exercises for you). 
  • @jiselle16, Oh, I never heard of this . I was looking at the link just now. I don't know, maybe I'd rather just do my own Kegel exercises? I'll read a bit more.