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posts - how do you know the date of discussions and posts

There does not seem to be a year associated with posts. Are they being re-run from a year ago? I seem to recall seeing the last one some time ago and now it is at the top again. Just not sure why this is being done. It is from Luci22. 


  • Hi @brk - whenever there is a comment on a topic, that moves it to the top of the list.
    We are in the process of joining similar topics together to make it easier to find information.

    Also, if you do not actually log into the site, the comments start at the very beginning of the post. Once you log into the site, you will see the most recent and the "new" tag will appear. 

    Hope this helps and welcome to the site. You can post your story on your bio page if you like or in the "Let's get started topic" 
  • Thank you for the explanation. I guess there is no way of knowing when the posts were actually posted though and they may be quite dated. 
  • Thanks for your question @brk and your response @Flowergirl! If the date on the post does not have a year listed, then it is from the current year - 2018.  Posts from 2017 will list the year in the date.
  • It seems that the most current posts are back in 2018, is this correct?
  • Hello @SistaK - the most current will show on the home page when you first enter
    the date stamp is on the top right