Community Connection: Ovarian Cancer Canada is looking for volunteers! Could you help?

OVdialogue – consider joining our team in the role of Community Champion. Over a few hours each week, you would be part of a team that helps connect people, support conversations and are thought leaders for OVdialogue. This is your opportunity to give back to those who have/continue to support you through the tough times, share your unique experiences, and help celebrate successes. For more details of what this entails, please reach out to @Mfallis (
Ovarian Cancer Canada is thrilled to share that we have some exciting updates on the way for OVdialogue. These enhancements are designed to strengthen our community and make your experience even better.

Stay tuned for more details, and feel free to share your thoughts below. Let’s make this community even stronger!

Hysterectomy Sept. 18th

My name is Margaret and I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer on June 27th at Sunnybrook.  The tumor could not be seen either through the ultrasound or CT scan; however the doctor says it could be hiding in the fallopian tube.  I've had three rounds of chemo thus far; being treated by Dr. Osborne at the Odette Centre.  I am scheduled for surgery next Tuesday.  My CA125 count was originally 738, came down to 310 after the first chemo treatment, and 38 after the second.  My family doctor feels it was caught early and treated quickly; however, I am scared both about the surgery and what the doctor will find.  Those two things are keeping me awake at night.


  • I also wanted to ask if anyone else is experiencing feelings similar:   I have moderate arthritis in my left leg/knee which was tolerable with Tylenol from time to time prior to the chemo treatments.  Since the chemo, it seems to have worsened to the point of having to take Tramadol occasionally for the pain--even three weeks after the last treatment. I am hoping this will improve once I reach the end of my treatments.   Has anyone else had a similar experience?
  • Hi @margie4545 It appears that the chemo has done its job I wasn’t given the option of chemo before surgery so I had 2 surgeries and 8 rounds of chemo. Went into the second surgery with a ca125 of 34 when I was diagnosed it was over 2000 and my pathology report came back stating no cancer present. Hope this helps ease you worries 
  • Thank you so much for your response. I’m doing my best to be positive and this helps.
  • Hello @margie4545 and welcome to the site. Thank you for sharing your story (you can also post under your profile if you wish). It sounds like the DR team is looking after you and I hope those side effects lessen over time.
    We will be thinking of you on your surgery date. You may want to review the Prepping for Surgery topic on page 4 of this site 
    We hope you will find much support here as there are lots of topics for your review.
    We try to meet live on Tuesdays at 7:00 PM CST 
  • Hi @margie4545.  I hope your surgery went well and that you are home recovering.  It will be important to tell your health care team about the all the symptoms you are experiencing like the problem with your knee.  Hopefully it will not continue to be a problem for you.  Yes, there is lots of help and support on this site.  I encourage you to scroll through the pages of the discussions and read some of the posts that others have shared.  Have they told you yet about any further treatment?
  • I had an emergency/complete hysterectomy a month before I started chemo.  I finished 6 rounds of chemo Nov 2017.  I too have suffered a significant amount of arthritic type pain during chemo and since then.  Prior to that I had little to no symptoms, other than the normal aches and pains occasionally associated with aging.

    My father had RA and mother has osteoarthritis.  Because of my ongoing pain post chemo, my doctor tested me for RA a few months ago but it was negative.  Naproxen helped however I retained a lot of fluid.  I too take Tramadol when the pain is very bad (it is still constant however I try to fight through it).  Needed 50mg 2-3x a day at the start (post surgery and chemo) but now maybe only take 50mg 2-3x a week. 

    Have made a concerted effort to be more active however still very challenging.  Knees, back, hands and shoulders are constantly in pain.  You may want to discuss medically prescribed CBD oil with your doctor too.  I find hot showers to get me going in the morning help and Epsom salt baths at night give some relief.  When going through chemo there were some nights when I had multiple baths.  Even getting in and out of the bath can be difficult.  Have also got more into yoga and meditation this year too.  And participated in an acupuncture study for cancer patients - had some relief but it didn’t last long.  Might be worth a try for you.

    Other things like Tumeric/Curcumin to fight the inflammation, Glucosomine might help however you need to be diligent taking those and at least for 3 months.

    Good luck.  Of all the chemo side effects, the pain I was not anticipating and has been the most challenging for me.  Not looking forward to a nasty winter which looks like it has started already in YYC this week.
  • hi @margie4545 I also have Dr Osborne as my oncologist .. I think he is wonderful... Hope your surgery went well...