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How long for diagnosis?

I am new here just wondering how long it takes to get a diagnosis on average.

I have been having mild pain in my left side for over a year.  Sex is painful in same area.  I was diagnosed in may 2018 with a 2cm complex ovarian cyst.  I don't get to see a gyno until the end of november.  My fathers sister had ovarian cancer and I am trying not to worry.  Recently I have had increased urinary frequency and urgency.  No sign of UTI.  Other than the sharp pains during intercourse I have mild pain most of the time nothing to take medication for just discomfort.  With such minor symptoms I am torn between pushing for a sooner appt and just being patient.  Routine blood work is normal no ca125 done.
Any words of advice would be appreciated.  My ultrasound also showed calcifications on the other ovary


  • Hello @findthebubbles - welcome to the chat site and we are glad you found us!
    Sorry to hear you are having these issues. And, yes, it is hard not to worry.It is important to rule this disease out and we are hoping the best possible out come for you. 

    You will find much information and support here around the site - you may want to review some of the stories on the "Let's get started" topic; the women talk about their symptoms and how they were diagnosed.
    I've posted a link below about the symptoms. You may need to educate your health care professionals depending on if they have previously treated patients with symptoms or issues as they may not be aware. 
    Sometimes, removal of the cyst and pathology are the ways to confirming if benign or not. 

    Not to alarm you in anyway however, If the symptoms/pain/issues are persistent, be insistent! Please consult with your health care team and ask for a second opinion or referral if they are not listening to you; November seems too far away.

    Detection details are here:
    And note that the CA125 is only one part of the tools for detection;  many of the ladies on the site have had to push for a CT or MRI.

    We are here to support you for sure.
  • Hi @findthebubbles.  I had an ovarian cyst that we watched for 4 years. I should note that I had just become menopausal when they found my cyst.  They had noted that prior to menopause the cyst may resolve itself.  It even looked like it was getting smaller at one point. But due to its size we decided to remove the cyst.  Watching the cyst was a decision I made, it is not for everyone.  It was only through biopsy that they found out about the ovarian cancer.  It took 4 weeks after my surgery before I got my results.  I am lucky as it had not moved beyond my ovary and there is no further evidence of the disease.  One thing I would do differently is to have  taken the cyst out earlier, but I am still thankful for the way things turned out.  Hopefully you won't need it, but there are many resources available to help all the steps of the way.  Take each day at a time and enjoy yourself and your family.
  • Hi @findthebubbles,
    Based on your symptoms - pain in the abdomen for 1 year, sharp pain during intercourse, recent change in your urinary habits and your family history of ovarian cancer - you might want to push for an earlier appointment with the gynecologist just to be on the safe side.   You could even ask if your family doctor would refer you directly to a gynecologic oncologist.  This does NOT mean that you have ovarian cancer! It just might be quicker and skip a step in the process of diagnosis to know exactly what is going on.   Does your family doctor know about your family history?
  • Hello @findthebubbles - how are you doing and hope you were able to get some answers from your medical team.
  • I would push for ca125 and further tests. I had same symptoms, my Dr sent me for ultrasound, then had mri and ct. Finally sent to gyne who referred to gyne onc. Oct 5th/17  was ultrasound, surgery for radical hysterectomy was Dec 1. Pathology back Dec 12th- stage 1c endometriod ovarian and stage 1 uterine. Don't let them leave it too long.
  • Thank you. It is the waiting that is hard.  I am going through some stress right now and it is hard to not brush off symptoms as that. The symptoms are about the same but I think I am having hot flashes and definately night sweats.  My periods are regular so I'm not sure if perimenopause or not.  Haven't been to my doctor about that yet.  Waiting on appt . By the way thank you for the support.  
  • I, too, had night sweats terribly and regular periods that were getting heavier. I was 53 and all my friends were through menopause. 
  • So I go see the gyno this week.  I'm glad after the long wait.  I don't really know what to expect. Is there any questions I should be asking?  Thanks in advance.
  • Hi @findthebubbles.   Two of the tests you might want to ask for are a CA125 blood test and a transvaginal ultrasound.  Neither of these are definitive tests but together with a manual pelvic exam it will give the doctor more information about your symptoms and what might be causing them.  It will be important to write down all your symptoms, when they started, how often you have them etc.  As many details as you can.  Also it will be important to tell the doctor about your family history.  Is your aunt still alive?  If so, you might want to ask her what kind of ovarian cancer she had as we now know there are different types and subtypes of the disease that is also helpful information.  Do you have any family history of breast cancer or colon cancer?  

    I encourage you to write these things down.  Also any questions you may have.  If they want to watch and wait and you are not comfortable with this, you can ask for the CA125 and transvaginal ultrasound.  Sometimes people find they have to be their own advocates in these circumstances. 

     It may also be helpful to take someone with you to the appointment to be a second set of ears and who may think of questions in the moment that you may not.  

    I hope your appointment goes well! Let us know what happens!